Semra Sınır Semra Sınır

Intermediate B2 level


In this lesson, students improve their vocabulary of containers and they will learn the pronunciation of the vocabularies they have already learnt by the help of listening activity. The lesson starts with a vocabulary game and then teacher uses real items and pictures to get them into exercise 1. For the next exercise the teacher divides the board into two broad columns and draw a picture of a family who has a shopping basket in the fist columns and sticks some pictures of the items in the shopping basket in the second coloums.Then wants them to talk about this family from the items in their shopping basket.The teacher gets WC F/B. Then the teacher wants them to talk about their shopping habits with their partners and gets FB.Then the teacher tells the students they are going to listen to a phone conversation,where one person is in the supermarket and is phoning home because he's forgotten his shopping list and needs to be reminded what to buy.Then the teacher gives handouts of a shopping list and tells the students to listen to the conversation and complete the phrases.After the students complete the phrases they are asked to check their answers with their partners and then the teacher writes the numbers from 1 to 6 and chooses volunteers to write the correct answers.This is followed by a memory game.The teacher shows the students a large picture which has 8 items on it and wants them to look at the picture carefully for 1 minute then the teacher takes down the picture and wants the students to write down the names of items in the picture and then the teacher sticks the large picture on the board and wants them to check their answers.The teacher thanks the students for the lesson and finishes the lesson.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of containers and contents in the context of shop&shoppers

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification, practice and review


Warmer/Lead-in (3-10 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The teacher greets the students.Then she asks the students ıf they have a monday syndrome or not and tells the students "lets play a vocabulary game to deal with the monday syndrome" then groups the students and explains the rules of the games: -each group must choose a volunteer who will come to the stage and choose a card from the box which was prepared by the teacher, and desciribes the vocabulary in the card she/he has choosen or draw it.then the students in his/her group try to guess it. -each group has one minute. -The person/group that guesses the most vocabulary will be the winner.

Exposure (2-4 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation
Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

The teacher takes out a bottle in her plastic bag and asks what it is and gets fb then takes out a cartoon and asks what it is and gets fb again. She elicits the names of the containers and contents.

Clarification (5-8 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

The teacher divides the board into two broad columns. The first columns is for the containers ,the second one is for the contents and then she sticks the pictures of containers and contents randomly and wants the students to stick on the right column then adds another column for the example sentences.She models a n examle sentence 'a bottle of water' and then wants them to make sentences.Then checks the answers.

Controlled Practice (4-7 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

The teacher tells the students they are going to listen to a phone conversation,where one person is in the supermarket and is phoning home because he's forgotten his shopping list and needs to be reminded what to buy.Then the teacher gives handouts of a shopping list and tells the students to listen to the conversation and complete the phrases.After the students complete the phrases they are asked to checktheir answers with their partners and then the teacher writes the numbers from 1 to 6 and chooses volunteers to write the correct answers on the board.

Semi-Controlled Practice (4-6 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

The teacher divides the board into two broad columns and draw a picture of a family who has a shopping basket in the fist columns and sticks some pictures of the items in the shopping basket in the second coloums.Then wants them to talk about this family from the items in their shopping basket.She gives a model sentence : -they have a dog foot in their basket so they have a dog. The teacher gets WC F/B. Then the teacher wants them to talk about their shopping habits with their partners

Free Practice (2-4 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

The teacher tells the students the are going to play a memory game and explains the rules of the game. "I am going to show you a large picture which has 8 items on it and look at the picture carefully for 1 minute then I am going to take down the picture and you are going to write down the names of items in the picture as many as you remember". Then the teacher sticks the large picture on the board and wants them to check their answers.

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