David Norcross David Norcross

TP 4 - Listening
Elementary level


In this lesson, Ss will drill vocabulary for MFP, and listen to a dialogue using the vocabulary.


Main Aims

  • To provide specific information listening practice using a text about free time activities in the context of a conversation between colleagues.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a asking questions in the context of what people do in their free time.


Vocabulary Meaning Check Warmer (5-8 minutes) • To check Ss knowledge of vocabulary to come

- Greet Ss and practice names briefly. - Take a sip from a glass of tea, and ask Ss what I'm doing. Mime playing football and putting items from supermarket shelves into a basket, and elicit those actions too. - Pass out vocabulary picture worksheets and tell Ss to match by themselves. - Pair FB. While doing WC FB, MODEL PRONUNCIATION for Ss, THEN drill.

Robert's Questions Listening (7-9 minutes) • To give Ss practice listening for detail

- Say "You, go for a drink. What's the question?" to elicit the question "Do you go for a drink." Focus on pronunciation "do you" --> "dʒə." Repeat for "eat out" and "go to concerts." - Pass out worksheets with Robert's questions, and gaps. - Play the recording twice, Ss fill in the gaps. - Check with partners. - WC FB.

Pre-Listening - Predict Tanya's Answers (5-6 minutes) • To Prepare Ss to listen for specific information

- Ask a S "Do you eat out?" to elicit a response. (Say "sentence" and use hands to make their response longer.) "Do you have coffee with friends?" Response. - Pass Ss a worksheet w/ a picture of Robert and Tanya, and blanks for Tanya's answers. Instruct Ss to guess her answers. - Ss work by themselves. - Pair FB. - WC FB. Brief.

Conversation Listening (8-9 minutes) • To give Ss practice listening for specific information.

- Instruct Ss to check their answers with the recording. - Play the recording twice. - Check in pairs. - WC FB. Brief.

Pre-Listening - True & False Sentences (2-3 minutes) • To Prepare Ss to listen for specific information

- Instruct Ss to pick which sentences are true and which are false. - Check with a partner.

Conversation Listening 2 (7-9 minutes) • To give Ss practice listening for detail.

- Instruct Ss to check their answers with the recording. - Play the recording twice. - Pair check, then WC FB

Post Listening - Writing and Speaking Practice (8-10 minutes) • To allow Ss to use and repeat what they just learned

- Instruct Ss to write their own questions. - Ss work with partners to ask each other their questions, and answer.

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