Lale Kanmaz Lale Kanmaz

Integrated Skills: Speaking and listening - Bank Robbers
Intermediate level


In this lesson students will practice their listening and speaking skills through the context of "Bank Robbers". The students will watch three movie clips from movies where a bank robbery takes place. This is an integrated skills lesson on reading and listening so the students will switch a lot between these two skills.


Abc Hand Out

Main Aims

  • To give the students practice in listening for gist and listening for specific information and to provide them fluency and freer speaking practice through the context of "Bank Robbers".

Subsidiary Aims

  • Vocabulary


Lead-in (5-8 minutes) • To elicit the topic of "Bank Robbers"

I will introduce the topic by asking them: "Tell me the ways to get rich?". Possible answers will be: by working, by gambling, ... Hopefully someone will answer: by stealing. We can also try to do the eliciting by "I want a house, with a big garden and with a view on the Bosphorus, I thought about it and I don't think I will be able to have so much money only by working. Can you help me? What can I do to have a lot of money?" I will then elicit the word "robbery" and after that the word "bank robbers".

Pre-teach vocabulary (3-5 minutes) • To introduce by elicting, drilling, stressing the vocabulary.

I will tell the students they will watch three movie clips about bank robbers. But that we'll first look at some vocabulary. Here I can use ICQ's like "How many movies are we going to watch?","Are we going to watch the movie right now?", "What are we going to do first?" I will elicit the next vocabulary: "a safe deposit box" T: "In Turkey when you get married you have a lot of gold. Is it wise to leave it at home? Where can you bring the gold where it will be safer?" S: "To the bank". T: "Yes to the bank. Where do they keep it in the bank?" S: "In a safe" T: "Yes in a safe or..." --> if the students don't know the word "safe deposit box" I will try with deposit... If they don't have an answer I will say the word and drill the word. ECDWS We will do the same with all vocabulary (cash, crime, brick, to torpedo).

Listening for gist (7-10 minutes) • To listen for general understanding, to listen with a purpose

I will ask the students:"Try to find out what they are going to rob in each movie clip?" This is the gist task, it won't be too hard to find the answer, I will ask this question so they will have a purpose to listen. Then I will write the movie titles on the WB, in the order I'm going to show them. 1. Ocean's Eleven 2. The Italian Job 3. The Bank Job I will show the three movie clips without stopping after the first or second to check the answers, we will check the answers after we have watched all three movies. After watching the movie clips we will check the answers in whole class. If they all had the answers correct we can move to the next stage.

Listening for specific information (7-11 minutes) • To listen for finding specific information

I will show them the questions I preprared for them and tell the students they will have to answer these questions while watching the movie clip, they have to answer these questions individually. I will do ICQ's: "Are we going to answer the questions before we watch the movie?", "Do we work in pairs?". I will hand out questions for "The Italian Job" and "The Bank Job". After watching these movie clips they have to check and discuss the answers with their partners. The questions for "The Italian Job" are What's the name of the girl?, What is inside the safe?, How much money can they get for the gold?. The questions for "The Bank Job" are Where is the lady in the beginning of the movie?, Where has the lady been to?, What question does she ask to the man in the bar? Sudents will first check their answers with their partner and afterwards we will do a whole class feedback.

Speaking (5-8 minutes) • To practice fluency speaking with the TL.

The students will watch the first movie clip (Ocean's Eleven) again, I will pause it in the middle of a scene and ask the students what will happen next and how the dialoque will continue. They will have to talk about it and discuss it with their partner. I will monitor where needed and note the errors. We will watch the second half of the scene and do whole class feedback. If there were any difficulties or errors I will note them on the white board and we will discuss them.

Speaking (5-7 minutes) • To practice freer speaking

If there is still some time left, I will tell the students they have to talk in their groups about the next questions: Would you ever rob a bank? Why or why not? Have you ever seen a robbery? I will monitor and take notes of errors but I won't interrupt them in this freer speaking task.

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