Zahraa Shaabani Zahraa Shaabani

TP3, Perfect Tenses
Upper-Intermediate level


In this lesson, students learn about the perfect tenses of present, past and future through guided discovery tasks based on a listening exercise.The lesson starts with a listening exercise to provide students with the context for the TL. After that, students do a guided discovery tasks that will help them understand the Meaning, Form and Pronunciation of the TL. After that Sts will do a controlled exercise to clarify and review the TL.


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of the Perfect tenses of present, past and future.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To review Past Participle forms, and to develop detailed listening skills.


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set the context of the lesson and engage students with the topic.

T reminds students of the previous lesson about unusual achievments and tells a story about her unusual achievment. After that T encourages Sts to share stories about their unusual achievments in life and discuss it with the whole class.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a listening task

T holds a copy of HO1 and tells Sts they have to read these sentences Indivisually in 2 minutes before doing the listening task in order to be able to answer the questions. T would repeat only once if necessary, because the main aim is grammer based, not listening. T asks students to work indivisually and answer questions in HO1. Sts compare answers in pairs/small groups.

Testing Prior Knowledge (4-5 minutes) • Test Sts' prior knowledge of past participle.

T holds HO-T and tells Sts to write the correct form of past participle indivisually. After they finish, Sts compare answers in pairs/small groups.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the TL.

HO2 will be mainly a guided discovery task to clarify the TL. The first part is going to be some sentences from the previous listening text and CCQ to clarify the meaning of the TP. T holds a copy of HO2 and folds it to keep students focused on the first part of the task. T gives clear instructions as the following: 1. Fold the paper 2. Read the following sentences indivisually 3. Answer Quesions. T might use ICQs to make sure Sts understand instructions and know what to do. for example: "are we supposed to work indivisually or in pairs?" T asks Sts to work in pairs/small groups to discuss answers together. T conducts feedback and elect some Sts to share their answers and explain it to the WC. If T senses that Sts did not get the correct meaning of the TL, she will provide more explanation and examples. The second part of HO2 is about TP form. T asks Sts to look at the second part of HO2 and work indivisually to try and get the right form of the TP. After that Sts discuss answers in pairs, and with T if necessary. T clarifies contraction of the TP. examples: [I have --> I've], [I had--> I'd], [I will have--> I'll have] T clarifies stress using some examples: They've [just] had a baby. T clarifies pronunciation when necessary.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T holds a copy of HO3 and tells students they are going to work indivisually to fill the gaps with the correct form of TP. After that Sts compare answers in pairs/small groups. T conducts feedback to make sure that all Sts have a clear idea about the meaning and form of the TL, and know exactly why is this the correct answer.

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