Saeed Sabeti Saeed Sabeti

Saeed TP3
Starter level


In this lesson, Ss will learn some vocabulary about daily routines. They will practise present simple tense in the this context through reading, writing, and speaking activities. The Ss will also practise the pronunciation of the given vocabulary together with the sentence stress patterns where the Ss will be taught the fact that the content words are stressed in a sentence.


Abc daily routine picture
Abc daily routine HO
Abc daily routine HO - CP
Abc Reading HO
Abc Reading paragraph (a friend talks about Salman)
Abc Grammar Gap-fill
Abc HO - time of the day

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of present simple tense in the context of daily routines

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist reading practice using a text about daily routines


Lead-in/Warmer (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

- A short video from Youtube will be played. - Ss will be asked to try to guess what the topic of the lesson is about.

Review of daily routine vocabulary (4-5 minutes) • to elicit the vocabulary about daily routine

- T will give the instruction of the matching HO. - Ss will be given the HO. They need to match the pictures to the phrases which are about daily routines. - Ss will check their answers in pairs. - T will get the feedback from the WC.

Controlled Practice (5-6 minutes) • to put the daily routine vocabulary into practice

- Ss will be given the daily routine HO containing the nine pictures that Ss have already used in the matching task. - Ss will be asked to number the pictures in the way that shows which activity they do first, second, and so on. - Ss will be put in pairs to talk about the things they do. They will be told to use enumeration: "First I wake up. Then.... After that....Next...." - Ss will be asked to remember what their partners have told them about their routines.

Reading for gist (3-4 minutes) • To find general information

- Ss will be given a HO from Cambridge English Unlimited A1 including two short readings about Salman and Carla, who work in a supermarket. - Ss will be asked to answer the questions in 1 minute. - ICQs: "Do you need to read the whole paragraph?" "Are you going to find the answers or read everything?" - T will ask the WC for the answers.

Grammar (9-10 minutes) • to clarify meaning, form, and pronunciation of present simple (-s / -es endings)

- T will draw Ss attention to the sentences in the reading about Salman. - T will ask Ss to read the first sentence: "I get up at about ten or eleven." - T will draw three timelines on the WB. Then he asks the Ss to think and say which timeline is the correct one (the one that shows the regular actions). - T will ask the Ss to read the second sentence: "I start work at two in the afternoon." - T will ask the Ss to look at the timelines again and say if they still think the same timeline applies to this sentence or not (It does apply to this one, too). - CCQs - T will write the third sentence on the WB and draws the stress lines above the sentences. Then he draws the Ss attention to the shape of the stressed words. - T will do the drilling with the Ss. - T will write the 4th and the 5th sentence on the WB, and he asks the Ss to read the sentences aloud using the correct stress pattern.

Grammar (6-7 minutes) • to clarify -s and -es endings

- T uses the sentences about Salman, which are already on the WB, and asks: "What will change if I use the word 'he' instead of 'I'?" - T replaces all the 'I' with 'he'. Then he asks the Ss to figure out the differences. - The Ss will be given the HO including the tables from Cambridge English Unlimited A1, P.47, Ex. 2a. Ss should work in pairs to fill in the blanks. - T will give the Ss the complete paragraph from the same source, which contains the answers to the gap-fill exercise. The Ss will check their answers from the paragraph.

semi-controlled practice (9-10 minutes) • to increase accuracy

- Ss will be given a HO in which four different times of the day is shown. They should work in pairs and tell each other what they do in each time of the day. - After having talked about themselves, Ss will swap places. This time, they will have to talk about their partners to each other. - Mistakes will be written on the board at the end of the activity, and the T will correct them by elicitation.

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