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Amean Mohammadi TP 3
Intermediate B2 level


Throughout this lesson, the students will be able to practice their receptive skill of reading in a rather interactive way. To commence the lesson, the students will grasp a better understanding of demonstrations, protests and strikes as the comprehension of these words will set the context for their lesson. They will run through a gist task, an exercise of matching headings, matching sentences with paragraphs as well as guessing the meaning of certain vocabulary words through a given text. If there is sufficient time, the lesson will conclude with a personalized activity about demonstrations so that they can relate to the concept in their own perspective.


Abc Headlines
Abc Vocab items
Abc HO1
Abc Protesting signs
Abc Answer key for the vocab list
Abc Cut up sentences

Main Aims

  • To provide a lesson based on the receptive skill of reading wihout creating a monotonous atmosphere for the students. Moreover, to conduct the lesson in a way that the students are able to go through the sub skills of reading without the element of monotony and at the same time, interact with one another in doing so. Conclusively, to undertake the responsibilty of providing the students with proper context, knowledge of essential vocabulary words, a gist task, two detailed reading tasks and a vocabulary task

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide further personalized speaking practice in the context of demonstrations


Lead-in and pre teaching vocab simeltaneously (6-8 minutes) • To set the context of the lesson

First, I will tell the students to pretend like the class is New York city. I will ask the other trainees in my group (Omar, Walid, Sam, Lale and Lisa), or three of the students to come up in front of the class and demonstrate a protest. They will be holding up signs and protesting. I will then pre teach the vocab protest. I will elicit, concept check, drill, write the vocab on the W/B and then highlight the stress pattern. I will also do the same for the verb of protest as well. Following this, they will be asked to come up again and this time, they will be holding up a different sign and showing that they have gone on a strike. I will then pre teach the vocab strike by the same methods but this time, I will add the collocation go on a strike on the W/B. At this point, I will ask the students if the other trainees were protesting on the street, or inside. They will say 'on the street'. 'Were they happy?(no)This will open up the way for me to generally introduce the word demonstration again using the same method as I did for the other words. In case I am not allowed to use the other trainees, I will do it myself.

Reading for gist (2-3 minutes) • To allow the students to understand that they can read quickly just to get the main idea of any reading, and in doing so, not pay attention to specific information or lexical items

I will provide the students with the HO and elicit what they have to do. They will be given 1 minute to answer the question: Are all the paragraphs about demonstrations, protests and strikes? (all except 1)

Detailed reading (15-20 minutes) • To understand the main idea of individual paragraphs

I will re group the students by assigning numbers 1-5 to each of them and have them sit with their counterparts. e.g. 1's sit with 1's and so on. Next, I will allocate 1 paragraph to each group. (5 groups with one paragraph each) I will ask the students to first read the paragraph they have been assigned individually for meaning. Then, they will be asked to check the meaning with the other students in their group. I will then give each group additional time to prepare a brief presentation of their paragraph in front of the class. Each group will then come up and have 1-2 minutes to present their paragraphs to the class. After the first presentation, the other groups will be given headlines to choose from a list of headings to match the paragraph presented. This process will repeat until the groups have all finished. We will check the answers after each paragraph.

Matching sentences with paragraphs (7-10 minutes) • To engage students in understanding how to recognize key words in a sentence and how to find a paragrapgh each sentence belongs to

I will now give the students 7 sentences, each on a different colored piece of paper. I will ask them to look at the blue one. I will bring the sentence on the W/B. I will elicit the meaning of the sentence. We will highlight the key words that clarify the meaning and give the conceptual idea of the sentence. Then, I will give them time to read the paragraphs again and find which paragraph this sentence could be an ending to. Following the completion of one sentence/paragraph, they will be asked to do the rest on their own in 3-5 minutes maximum. Early finishers will be advised to check with the other students in their groups. I will put the answers on the W/B, e.g. Blue= paragraph 1.

Guessing word meanings through a text (6-8 minutes) • To build on the understanding that the meaning of a word can be guessed through the use of it in a text

I will give students a vocab list. This list will display 7 items with their parts of speech next to them and a blank spot for each item's meaning. The students will then be asked to find the words in the reading and write their meanings based on what they understand from the word's use. I will allocate 3-5 minutes for this task. At last, I will give the students the answer key to check their work.

Class discussion (2-5 minutes) • To personalize the topic of demonstrations for students

As I hope there will be time left for this stage, I will open up a class discussion on the demonstrations the students have seen and perhaps been a part of. They will also be asked to express their opinions about demonstrations in general.

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