Elsa van Latum Elsa van Latum

TP3: Adjectives describing character
Upper-Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will learn ways of describing someone's character by using adjectives in the context of gender differences. Their prior knowledge will be tested by means of a visual matching exercise. After this, a controlled practice exercise will provide with the definitions of the words. The following semi-controlled practice (creating sentences with the new vocabulary) will consolidate their understanding of the vocabulary and the final debate will provide the Sts with a chance to use the lexis in a more free and personalized way.


Main Aims

  • To provide practice in using adjectives when describing someone's character in the context of gender differences.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency practice in a debate in the context of character differences.


Warmer (2-4 minutes) • To re-focus the Sts after the break and remind them of the topic

T reminds students of the previous session and asks what they learned about the different characteristics of men and women. T asks Sts to think of typical male and female characteristics and T writes these on the board. T asks: what types of words are these? 'Today we will talk about adjectives that describe someone's character.'

Testing prior knowledge (7-9 minutes) • To find out what the students may already know

T holds up HO1 and explains the exercise (a visual matching exercise). The Sts should complete the exercise together with their partner. T emphasizes that the students may not know some of the words but that they should do as much as they can. T checks instructions by asking: 'Will you work together or alone? What kind of words will be placed in the are we talking about here? Does it matter if you don't know all the words?' T monitors carefully to see which words are difficult. T gives WC feedback.

Controlled practice (10-12 minutes) • To clarify meaning and pronunciation of the TL

T holds up a copy of HO2 with the matching exercise. T explains that Sts have to fit the words from the box into the right sentence. There are 10 sentences and 10 words so each word will fit into a sentence. Sts are encouraged to work individually and check their answers in pairs when finished. T asks: 'Will each word fit into a sentence? Will you work together or alone?' After Sts have checked their answers in pairs, T projects the definitions on WB and invites Sts to come up to the board and write down their answers one by one. Each time an answer has been written down, T check if class agrees and asks CCQs for each definition. Difficult words will be drilled for pronunciation. T asks Sts to write down a job where the given characteristics would be important or helpful. Sts work in pairs. T checks their answers during WC feedback.

Semi-controlled practice (4-6 minutes) • To further concept check and prepare the class for free practice

T writes 'You can never solve a problem by being aggressive.' on the WB. T instructs Sts to create 3 sentences with a similar structure, using the new adjectives. The sentences don't have to be true necessarily and the students don't have to agree with them. T checks by asking: 'How many sentences will you write? Do the sentences have to be true?'

Free practice (8-12 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T rearranges the classroom so that two groups are facing each other. T invites 1 student to share their sentences with the classroom. T writes this sentence on the board and divides the teams into 'pro' and 'con'. The teams now have 2 minutes to come up with their standpoints. T encourages students to write down their general argument on paper. The teams will then engage in the debate by sharing their opinions with each other. T will encourage Sts to think of examples from their own lives (people they know, stories they have heard, etc.). Sts will be given turns to speak and will stand up when they do. After discussing for a few minutes, a student from the other team will be asked to share a sentence with the classroom for a debate. This will continue as long as time allows.

Wrap up (1-2 minutes) • To ensure that the aims of the lesson have been understood

T asks: 'What was the topic of today's lesson? What new words did you learn?'

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