Cates - TP2 -Prices and Times
Elementary level


This lesson provides information gap fills for the Ss to fill in. The information relates to the topics of time and money. There will be some listening and speaking practice as they work through the activities, in pairs and on their own.


Abc Gap fill handout - Real World Student's book U2c, p 19
Abc Gap fill handout - Real World Student's book U2c, p 13

Main Aims

  • To provide exposure to realia where they will encounter written time and monetary units
  • To provide practice answering questions about prices and times

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice listening out for time and monetary units in adverts and conversation
  • To provide practice speaking about time and money in a conversational way


Warmer/Lead-in (6-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Show photos of favorite places my family likes to visit. Ask Ss which of those places require money to go to them and how much they think it costs. Ask Ss which places they like to go and whether or not those places cost money.

Exposure and Mini-Task 1 (7-7 minutes) • To provide a model of the task and highlight useful words and phrases

I will write several examples of various monetary units on the WB and ask Ss to identity them, as listed in Exercise 8a. Then I will show them the worksheet, explain the first task which is for them to practice dictating prices to each other, then I will move them into pairs.

Mini Tasks 2 and 3 (9-9 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

After they practice drilling, I will ask them the questions in Exercise 7a. Next we will complete 7b, and I will recite the language on the ads myself, or play the audio files. Ss will peer check their answers.

Task 4 (9-9 minutes) • Practice conversation

Here I will briefly explain the task, which is to match the seller's part of a conversation with the buyer's in 9a. Then I will recite the correct order myself.

Task 5 - asking about prices (11-11 minutes) • Conversational speaking practice

Using Exercise, we will work through the dialogue and I will write their answers on the WB. Next I will ask them to work in pairs, role-playing the parts. As they do this I will begin to erase the words on the board so they will not be able to keep looking back at the correct order. We will also switch times and money amounts for further practice. Finally I will ask a few of them to come up front to role play for the class.

Language Analysis (3-3 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the task language

We will do a short review of topics and I'll open it up for any questions they may have, then introduce the next lesson.

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