Walid Baitelmal Walid Baitelmal

Modal verb would
intermediate level


in this lesson students will learn the the different uses of would and the form of the sentence, they will also learn the proper pronunciation. They will also have a speaking practice to practice using the TL


Abc sentences from ex1 with answer keys
Abc sentences from ex 2 and answer key
Abc questionnaire
Abc questionnaire questions on separate papers

Main Aims

  • To provide introduction of modal verb " would " uses in hypothetical situations, offering advice or suggestions and expressing preferences .

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy and fluency speaking practice ( semi-controlled and freer ) in the context of ideas about journalism


Lead in (2-3 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

- Write on the WB " would you like to be a journalist ? " - Ask students what they think about working as a journalist . - elicit a few ideas

Semi-Controlled Practice (4-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

- Tell the students we are going to find more about what they think about journalism. - Drill the question on the WB and make sure they pronounce " would you " correctly. - Students in pairs ask each other the questions and take short notes. ( ask ICQs ) - Take some general FB

Clarification (7-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning of the target language

- elicit what all the questions have in common - Write on the WB the definitions as headings for 3 columns - elicit the meaning of " hypothetical " " preferences " . - elicit the meaning of the first question and stick it on the WB under the correct use/ definition . - Students in pairs or small groups match the questions with their meaning/use. - let students stick the sentences on the WB. and deal with any wrong answers.

Clarification (7-10 minutes) • To clarify the form and pronunciation of the target language

- write an example or two for each use and remove the papers. - elicit the answer for each question ( positive and negative ) - Clarify the form in each one : * we use would + " love , hate ...etc " + to + infinitive verb * we use would with " mind " + verb- ing - do some drilling - clarify the difference in the pronunciation of would with " you " and other pronouns. - point out that we can use the contracted form in the positive.... do some drilling.

Controlled Practice (6-8 minutes) • to focus on the form

- Write two examples on the WB * I'd never speak to him. * I'd never spoken to him. elicit which one is would and which is had - elicit how they know. - give students HO with the sentences from ex 1 - students work together to know which one is had and which one is would. - students check their answers on the HO

Controlled Practice (5-2 minutes) • to practice the TL

- students work alone to complete the sentences then check together. ( ask ICQs ) - students check their answers in the answer key papers on the wall.

free speaking practice. (5-7 minutes) • to practice the TL for accuracy and fluency.

- re- group the students . make sure they all set with new partners. - students tell each other about their partners' ideas about journalism. demonstrate with one student. ask ICQs. : " will you talk about your new partner or your previous partner ? " - monitor and make notes of any errors ( do not interfere ) - take general FB.

delayed FB (2-4 minutes) • highlight any mistakes said by the Ss.

- write the mistakes on the WB - get students to correct them

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