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Amean Mohammadi TP 2
Intermediate B2 level


Throughout this lesson, the students will practice their skills of reading, writing as well as speaking. In this case, the students will be engaged in the topic of dilemmas as they identify various types of dilemmas and come up with solutions to suggest. The main activity will create an environment which is student centered and allow the students to work together in terms of understanding Fiona's dilemma. Their will be a range of activities which include reporting information to one another, writing down sentences from memory and freer practice of giving suggestions.


Abc Picture
Abc Cut up sentences
Abc Answer key

Main Aims

  • To integrate reading, writing and speaking in the context of dilemmas. The reading will focus on textual cohesion in identifying the sequence of sentences. The writing will be controlled in that it will only include dictation from one student to the next. The speaking, however, will run through semi-controlled and freer practices in the context of dilemmas as well as giving suggestions accordingly.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide more speaking practice in giving advice and suggestions when dealing with dilemmas


Lead-in (2-4 minutes) • To elicit the topic of dilemmas from their knowledge of the prior lessons

I will ask the students about the role play(s) they had with Lisa. I will ask: What was the problem you had to talk about? Did you have 2 choices? This is called a ...? (dilemma) I will also hint towards types of dilemmas by saying: So, we have family dilemmas,... students: Work dilemmas, education dilemmas and so on.

Prepare for reading (3-4 minutes) • To engage students in the topic they will read about

I will introduce the girl they will read about by putting her name (Fiona) on the WB. I will pair them up at this point and give each pair a picture. They will be given 1-2 minutes to guess what Fiona's dilemma is. At this point, we will do a quick WC FB to see if every one is on the right track.

Running dictation (12-15 minutes) • To ingerate reading in textual context and controlled writing

I will assign numbers to every one in the class as either 1 or 2. Then, they will get up and the 1's will find a partner who is a 1, as 2's will find a partner who is a 2 and in this way, they will have a new partner. Now, I will assign 2 colors to each pair (one of them will be pink, the other will be blue). To provide clear instructions, I will ask one pair to come up front. I will use the pair to demonstrate the task (one partner goes to his color on either the right or left side of the class and reads a sentence. Then, he/she runs back to his partner and dictates the sentence so that his partner can write it down.)( I will make sure they have pens and paper) In this case, I will have already placed 6 pink sentences on one side of the room, and 6 blue sentences on the other side. The students will be given 5 minutes to run this through before they switch roles and then run through it again, taking up another 5 minutes. During the PW, monitoring will be done without interference and early finishers will be advised to check their work with other pairs.

Reading for textual cohesion (7-9 minutes) • To provide provide students with the opportunity to put sentences in logical order

I will now direct the Student's attention to me. (lights going on and off will do the trick, or producing some sort of noise from the rubber duck) Once I have their attention, I will tell the students that there seems to be a problem with the order of Fiona's story. I will keep them in their pairs and tell them to arrange the order of the story so that it becomes logical. The time limit for this PW should not exceed 5 minutes. Once again, monitoring will take place without interference. Early finishers will be advised to check with other pairs around them. Once the majority of the class finishes, I will have them check their order with the answer key I have put on the WB

Freer speaking (8-10 minutes) • To give an opportunity to the students to practice giving advice and suggestions

As a WC, we will check to see if Fiona's dilemma is well understood. I will ask: What is Fiona's dilemma? I will not repeat this question as I move from pair to pair to decrease my TTT. Eye contact will simply do the trick. I will now combine pairs (form groups of 4) and ask them to come up with solutions to Fiona's dilemma. At this stage, I will put some ways of giving advice and suggestions on the board. Fiona should... Fiona could... It's better if Fiona... (running a WC drill will be useful at this point) I will give them 5 minutes for this activity and monitor just to see if they are doing the task. If students have the wrong solutions, I will tell them; however, if they have the right solutions, I will not confirm them. Then, they will be advised to check with other groups. (this might take a few more minutes)

Feedback (3-4 minutes) • To allow students to hear everyone's ideas

I will direct the Student's attention and call on groups to provide solutions. Once a group finishes, another group will give their solutions. Automatically, their solutions will be compared.

Personalized production (3-6 minutes) • To personalize the topic and allow the students to speak about dilemmas in their own lives

At this point, there may be no time to continue and I might have to conclude the session by thanking them for their participation. However, if time allows me, I will keep them in their groups and give them a few minutes to discuss what kind of dilemmas can occur in their own country. How could these dilemmas be dealt with?

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