Serpil Göğebakan Serpil Göğebakan

Upper-Intermediate level


In this lesson, Ss learn about adjectives and comparative forms through guided discovery based on a reading text about animals. The lesson starts with a energizing activity based on the reading comprehension questions about the reading text. This is followed by introduction of the target language through model sentences. After clarification of the MFP, the lesson ends with controlled and semi-controlled activities.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of adjectives and comparative forms.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To review adjectives and comparative forms.


Lead-in (6-8 minutes) • To get learners' attention after the break and set the topic of the lesson ahead.

T reminds Ss of the previous lesson and gives them a brief amount of time to read the text from previous lesson again and refresh their memories. Following this T energises them by asking True/ False questions about the text. T tells the Ss to stand up if the sentence is False and sit down if it's True. The list of the sentence is given below. Goldfish are as expensive as koi. False Koi are as beautiful as butterflies. True Looking after koi is a great deal harder than taking care of any other pet. False

Exposure (5-6 minutes) • To provide context for the TL in order to be able to introduce it in a meaningful context.

T puts Ss into groups of 3 and gives a picture of an animal to each group. Ss are asked to write 5 adjectives which describe their pets. Following this, two students, each from different groups, come to the board and compare their pets.

Higlighting (15-17 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation.

After distributing the Grammar Analysis sheet, T instructs students to answers the questions in Part 1 with a partner. Following this T gives WC feedback. After that T instructs the Ss to do exercises in Part 2 individually and then compare their answers in pairs. T gives WC feedback by projecting the answers on the WB. Finally Ss are instructed to follow the same procedure for Part 3,4,5 in order and T provides them with FB at the end of each activity.

Controlled Activity (5-6 minutes) • To make sure that students are confident with the TL..

T puts the first sentence from the Exercise 5 and gets Ss to discuss in pairs which word is correct. Following this Ss complete the rest of the exercise and compare their answers in pairs. T gives WC feedback b projecting the answers on the WB.

Semi-Controlled Practice (6-8 minutes) • To make sure thaht students are confident with the new vocabulary.

T puts the first sentence from exercise 6 on the WB and selects one of the Ss to rewrite the sentence by using the given word in bracket. Following this T instructs the Ss to complete the rest of Exercise 6. Ss pair check and focus on the form and meaning. T gives whole class FB.

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