Matt Matt

Elementary level


In this lesson, the students will practice meeting people, obviously in a speaking context.


Main Aims

  • To introduce and provide practice of functional language for meeting people

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide semi-controlled speaking practice in the context of meeting people


Setting the Context - pics from pg. 14 (6-7 minutes) • To generate a context and get the Ss speaking

Show students pictures of two hats, a top hat and a baseball hat. Where could I wear this one? Where could I wear that one? How could you describe that? (Trying to elicit 'formal' and 'informal') Now show the four pictures from pg 14 displayed on the screen. Ask Ss to discuss in pairs the location of the pics and the formality of the setting. Nominate pairs to share their deductions.

Exposure to Functional Language (6-7 minutes) • To introduce the functional language

Do a Gist Listening of Ex. 1, telling the students to match each conversation with one of the pictures. They are listening for formality. Ss check with partners for correct answers, then T nominates a few students for a quick FB.

Focus on Functional Language (6-7 minutes) • To clarify the introductory functional language

Language Focus ex. 1 - each word will be written on a small piece of paper and given to groups of 3 to be put together right. After the Ss have finished, T will select different groups to say the answer, writing them on the board. (Model with: "I'm fine, thank you" on board - eliciting correct order) T then drills the phrases for pronunciation and stress, both individual and choral.

Controlled practice (11-13 minutes) • To give the students confidence in their ablility to greet properly

HO with Language Focus ex 2 & 3 Ss individually fill in a table with formal and informal greetings, check with partner on answers, Then identify each line as either formal or informal. Again, checking with partner. Then do a brief whole class FB. Drilling of pronunciation, clarification of distinctions. Meet 3 people, ask their names, tell them yours, be pleased to meet them. ICQ - "How many people will you meet?"

Semi-controlled practice (10-13 minutes) • To give the students significant practice with their new structures

Give each S a slip of paper with a name, surname and job. But first, script a FORMAL dialogue, model it, then send them to do it! "Hello, my name is Matt Champlin; I am a teacher." "My name is ____. I am a _____. How are you?" "I'm fine, thanks! Nice to meet you." "Nice to meet you too!" "Who did you meet?" Collect errors and do delayed error correction on the board afterwards. Depending on time, now send them back to meet a friend at a cafe or restaurant.

(EXTRA) Detailed Listening - List. Ex. 2 (6-7 minutes) • To continue learning from the introductory listening patterns

In the event that there is extra time, the Ss will again listen to the 4 conversations with which class started. This time they will listen for more specific details. The options will be on the board for all Ss to see. Each option will be read before the reading is started, then students will be able to choose the correct answer. At the end, pairs will check with each other, and a few students will be nominated to check final answers for the class.

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