Michael Newby Michael Newby

Eating Habits
Upper-Intermediate level


In this lesson, students increase their understanding of different ways to express their past and present habits through discussions about their current diet and the one they had when they were younger. Students complete guided-discovery tasks using a text they had been previously exposed to in order to notice a variety of grammatical forms that are commonly used in English to express things we do/did regularly. Students then complete a closed practice activity by selecting appropriate grammar forms in sentences to demonstrate their conceptual awareness of each one. Finally, students use these forms during a mingle task that gets them to discover more information about their classmates and their habits.


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of past and present forms for describing habits in the context of healthy eating.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of living a health lifestyle.


Warmer/Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • To re-focus learners after the break and set the topic of the lesson ahead.

T reminds Sts of the previous session and tells them about his eating habits and methods for living a healthy life in the past and currently. In pairs/small groups, Sts are instructed to share their own experiences. T monitors and makes a note of examples of language use from Sts. T writes "habits" on the WB and elicits/provides the meaning from/to the class. When T has checked that everyone understands, the aims of the lesson are outlined. T provides feedback on good examples of the TL that Sts may already be able to produce.

Exposure (4-6 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text

T reminds Sts about the listening text from the previous lesson and elicits the general content. T then hands out a copy of the audio transcript from the previous session's listening tasks. Sts are told to look through the script in order to find 3 examples of something that was done in the past and 3 examples of things that are done currently. Sts compare their answers with a partner.

Highlighting (4-6 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

T holds up a copy of the handout and points to Task 1. Sts have to read each sentence and note whether it refers to now (N) or the past (P). T emphasises that Sts must ONLY look at the first exercise and NOT to continue with the rest of the worksheet until they are told to do so. T then instructs Sts to look at Task 2 and follow the instructions provided. Sts check their answers with a partner and explain why they choose each one. Sts are then instructed to follow the same procedure for Tasks 3 and 4.

Clarification (7-9 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T conducts WC feedback on the answers to the tasks in the previous stage. After each question, Sts are instructed to locate other examples of TL in the transcript. The sentence is written on the WB with the form of each one highlighted with the use of different coloured markers. T pays careful attention to the pronunciation of 'used' in 'used to' and models and drills with /t/ sound emphasised. With the word 'always' in "she's always telling me..." the stress is also highlighted and drilled.

Controlled Practice (5-6 minutes) • To concept check and consolidate understanding

T writes: Last night I'd have/I had two burgers for dinner and I used to feel/felt sick afterwards. T elicits the correct options for this sentence and asks Sts why they are correct. T holds up worksheet containing further sentences and tells Sts to complete the task in the same manner they just did with the example on the WB. T monitors and checks that learners are completing the task. Sts check their answers with a partner and explain their choices. T finishes with WC feedback.

Semi-Controlled Practice (6-8 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

T reminds Sts about their discussion about the differences in their eating habits in the past and currently during the Lead-In stage of the lesson. T writes: After getting paid in Dubai, I would treat myself to a nice meal in a restaurant. T elicits that this is a past habit and was a typical action that shows my character. T instructs Sts to write down their own sentences using the 6 different forms presented in this lesson. Sts share their sentences with a partner, who checks the the form and meaning is correct. T monitors and makes a note of good language use, as well as correcting any mistakes.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T holds up the survey handout and illustrates that there are 6 questions and space to write down the answers for 3 different classmates. T demonstrates the task by nominating a student and asking them a question and making a note of their answer. T changes the interaction pattern by selecting Sts to switch places with one another. T says: When I say "change," you must stop and find a new partner to talk to. When I say "stop," you go back to your original seats and sit down. Sts complete the task using the TL while the T monitors and makes a note of good language use/anything that needs correcting. Once Sts have sat back down in their original places, they should share a few examples of what they discovered with their partner. T highlights and praises good use, while giving the WC the opportunity to correct any mistakes together.

Wrap Up (2-3 minutes) • To ensure that the aims of the lesson have been clearly communicated and understood

T writes on the WB: 1) What was the topic of today's lesson? 2) What grammar was studied in the class? 3) When do we use this grammar? Sts discuss the answers to these questions with a partner before WC feedback is conducted.

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