Fainche Egan Fainche Egan

Important firsts- Past simple lesson
Pre-Intermediate A2-B1 level


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of the present simple in the context of tv firsts

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a story making in the context of irregular verbs


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

How often do you watch TV? What TV programs do you prefer? Which of these programs do you sometimes/ never watch? Soap operas, cookery programs, sports channels.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

read the text and answer the questions What was the nationality of ... the 'father' of TV------Russian the inventor of TV-----Scottish the first person to appear on TV-----English the first TV chef------French What is this text talking about? Underline all the PS verbs Divide into regular and irregular was worked went invented made watched had were became Look at examples from the text to discuss the uses of the PS Vladimir Zworykin...went to live in the US in 1919------single finished action (show timeline) Does he live in the US now?- Yes, probably, Not many people watched them (BBC programs)-----repeated action(show timeline) Put in to the positive. Many people watched them. Is this one day? One time? Not many people had a TV ------state (show timeline)

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Focus S on the pronunciation of the PS verbs ''called''(/d/) ''looked'' (/t/) ''ended'' (/ıd/) Have S listen to the pronunciation of these pairs of words and mark 'S' if same and 'D' if their different. (a) worked watched S (b) opened invented D (c) asked stopped S (d) travelled started D (e) lived closed S (f) walked wanted D (g) laughed arrived D /ıd/ -regular verbs that end in 't' (lasted) or 'd' (ended) Easier to hear because it's an extra syllable *Activity* Play small ball game- Say infinitive and S answers with the PS and vice versa

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Make in to the negative ''Cookery programs are very popular'' ----"Cookery programs aren't very popular" "Cookery programs were popular in the 1930's"----"Cookery programs weren't popular in the 1930's" "was/were not" "wasn't " "weren't" I+ was not (wasn't)..... Subject + were not (weren't)..... Negative PS verbs ''He goes to the United States every year''-------"He doesn't go to the United States every year" ın the PS------"He went to the United States in 1919"--------''He didn't go to the United States in 1919" Put this sentence in the negative. ''I watch television often" = "I don't watch television often" ''I watched television yesterday." = "I didn't watch television yesterday" Subject + did not (didn't)+ verb infinitive *'did' for all persons EXCEPT for 'be' *main verb remains in the infinitive without 'to' *contraction 'didn't' *negative 'be'- Was/were not and their contractions 2nd half of the reading text-Gap-Fill Read the text and let S listen and correct work

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Cutting Edge Quiz How many could you get right? Each do one, assure you didn't look at the answers Fb the questions

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

Write one sentence about each of the following. *something you did yesterday *a place you went last year *something you bought last month/week *something you didn't do last year *something you didn't like when you were a child CCQ- How many sentences for each? 1

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Show a list of iregluar verbs including the ones you have covered. Try guess the infinitives Now together try make a story using these verbs in exactly the same order. It can be about anything.

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