Karima Ennouri Karima Ennouri

Intermediate level


In this Lesson, students learn about the reported speech through guided discovery based on a reading text about Ethical Man which students will be exposed to on the lesson before my lesson. The lesson starts with a discussion about the importance of recycling and how it can help the environment. This is followed by underline the correct alternatives to complete rules activity where Ss will learn about the form of reported speech. Finally there are some controlled practice through completing the sentences activity and then a freer practice where students will be split in two groups each group will have a topic to discuss about then first group will be paired up with second group so every students will have to report to his / her new partner what he / she has been talking about in their groups.


Abc Speaking activity handout ( Speakout Intermediate Student's book)
Abc Complete the sentences handout
Abc Projection of different pictures of recycling,environment and pollution
Abc Complete the table handout and underline the correct alternatives to compete rules activity

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of the reported speech in the context of "Ethical Man"

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy and fluency speaking practice in discussion through reporting to each other what they have already discussed in groups for example " the plastic bag problem"


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Project picture of recycling and environment Tell SS to look at the pictures and tell me what do these pictures represent? or what do they understand from these pictures? ask them to work in group and discuss why recycling so important and how it can help the environment. give them 1 minute monitor them provide quick whole class FB by asking them why recycling so important and how it can help the environment.

Highlighting (4-6 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Show SS HO and tell them that you need them to work in pairs to complete the table with the right form of the verb in the direct speech column and reported speech column Give them HO Ask them to check their answers in groups Give them A / K

Clarification (10-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Tell SS to unfold the HO and look at the table again and underline the correct answer. Tell them to work in pairs. Ask them to check their answers in groups Give them A /K Ask them if they have any questions write two sentences from HO 1 and drill "He said they weren't planning to get the car back" "He said many of other changes would remain"

Controlled Practice (6-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Project the handout to explain to the SS what you need them to do Tell SS that you are going to give them a HO and you need them to complete the sentences by adding one word highlight the the answered example Give the HO and tell them to work in pairs Ask them to check their answers in groups Tell them that you will make them listen to an audio to check their answers Give them A/K

Free Practice (13-15 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Divide SS in two groups "group A & B" Show (HO.3 A) to group A tell them that you are going to give them this HO and you want them to read the text and answer the questions. Show (HO.3 B) to group B tell them that you are going to give them this HO and you want them to read the text and answer the questions. Ask them to discuss their answers Give them time Monitor them stop them and pair group A with B Tell them that you need them to report to each other what they have been discussing in their group • Demonstrate one example with students. • Monitor them. • Make notes of any errors on their fluency task. • Provide delayed error correction on the board If there are no errors • Do whole class feedback by asking them to tell you what their partner told them • Do immediate error correction.

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