Amber Heyer-Rasmussen Amber Heyer-Rasmussen

TP #8 | Listening Past & Present Simple
A1 (Beginner/Elementary) level


In this lesson, sts will review and learn about lexis, practice listening for detail, and practice speaking for accuracy in the context of having a pretend day off.


Abc WB
Abc My day off in Beyoglu
Abc Questions for listening Exercise: My day off in Beyoglu.
Abc Relay the message text
Abc My pretend day off HO
Abc WB

Main Aims

  • To provide specific information listening practice using a text about activities in the context of having a day off from work or school.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of activities in the context of having a day off from work or school.
  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in relaying a message in the context of having a day off from work or school.


Lead-In (5-8 minutes) • To pre-teach lexis & set the context for a day off in Istanbul

Elicit "Day Off" from sts. Mind map ideas for activities for a day off. Pre-teach/Elicit: Day off, Boss, do hatever you want, relax, forget, start your day, afternoon, end your day, lovely, wait in line, view, favorite, club (nightclub). CQ: When I wake up, do I start my day or end my day? -start my day CQ: Is relax the same thing as stress out? -no, opposites

My day off in Beyoglu yesterday. (6-8 minutes) • Sts practice listening for detail in the context of my day off in Beyoglu yesterday.

Put questions for listening text up on the board. Instruction: "I'm going to tell you about my day off yesterday. Please listen and answer the following questions." ICQ: Where are the questions you are going to answer? --up on the white board (point to them). Read the text at a normal pace. Ask them if they need to hear it again. Read again if necessary. Check answers in PW first. Then check answers WC.

HO: My pretend day off yesterday... (10-15 minutes) • Sts practice using lexis related to having a day off in Istanbul.

Chest HO. Instruction: "Let's pretend you had the day off yesterday. No work or school, ok?" Answer these questions about yourself- what did you do on your pretend day off yesterday?" Model an example if needed and refer to the reading text. ICQ: Are you working with a partner? -no, alone. ICQ2: Who are the questions about? -me ICQ3: Is this pretend or real? -pretend Let sts answer questions on HO. Then PW (new partner) to talk about their pretend day off. Get WC FB- "What did your partner do on their pretend day off yesterday? Was it good?" CQ: "Did you think of anything fun to do on your pretend day off?" *Focus on and address any m/f/p issues here. Use the WB if needed.

Relay the Message (10-12 minutes) • To give sts practice listening and speaking in the context of a rewarded day off.

Post text outside. PW (new pairs). Instruction: "I have posted a text outside. One partner is going to run and read the text and come back inside and tell their partner. Your partner will write down what you say. At the end, what you write down should match the text posted outside." You will need to walk with them. Make sure they know they can just remember 2 words if that's all they can remember. But they should do 2 words at a time until they complete the activity. ICQ: Who will run outside and get the message? --pick a partner. ICQ2: What are the people inside doing? --writing down the message ICQ3: Do you want the other team to hear? --no, be quiet when you tell! Monitor this activity VERY closely as they are sure to be confused. Have them put their cell phones on the table so they don't take a picture of the text outside and cheat. :) CQ: Let them check their written message to the text outside. "What does your boss tell you to do?" --do something fun and relax!"

FB (2-2 minutes) • Get/Give sts FB on listening activities.

Get/Give FB to sts regarding the listening exercises we did today. Address any questions, pronunciation, form and meaning issues. Model any problem sentences. Wish them well as it is our last class together!

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