stress and pressure (job situations)
level 7 chapter 1 unit 3 level
Main Aims
To provide fluency speaking practice in a coversation in the context of understanding stress and how people react to pressure
Subsidiary Aims
to understand the feeling of the speaker by the tone of voice, and how it may change the conversation.
Procedure (38-54 minutes)
let the students know they will be listening to two audio tracks. ask them to listen carefully and note the differences and similarities (the content is exactly the same just the tone of voice has changed) - ask the students which call they would prefer to receive if they were in ed norton's shoes. repeat for tracks 4-5, 6-7
creat a web of terms that can be used to describe tone of voice. -positive, negative, cheerful, angry, sad, frustrated, upbeat, downbeat, neutral have them write it on the board
first message is on page 3 the other two are on sb pg 58 assign two different tones to each group to use, practice and then perform.
ask about work pressure and what it can do to a person, try to elicit the word stress from the students. ask- how does stress affect you personally? do you lose sleep? do you lose your appetite? do you get headaches? do you become irritable? brainstorm what causes stress, it may be similar or related to work pressures. list on the board.
have the students look at the cartoon on page 3. compare the signs to stressville to what we wrote on the board. ask the student why the two signs are on the right and the others are on the right. (the ones on the right are likely the results from the causes on the left. -are you on the road to stressville?
read as a class and ask a few questions.
have an open conversation and prompt with questions if needed.
have the students look at the pictures of milt and wilt, describe the pictures and state the differences.
assign one of the passages to the students, have them ONLY read their assigned passage. after reading pair them up with a person who read the other passage and have them describe it to their partner.
have the student creat a stress test for eachother.