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MaySchool Lesson Plan: On the Farm (Unit 5, Lesson 2)
Pre-Intermediate level


This ESL lesson for Vietnamese students aged 7-8 focuses on reviewing animal and action vocabulary while introducing question and answer structures related to what animals are doing. Using flashcards and interactive activities, students practice asking and answering questions in pairs and groups. The lesson includes a warm-up, vocabulary review, structure introduction, practice activities, group presentations, and a wrap-up with a homework assignment. The goal is to reinforce vocabulary and language structures in a fun and engaging way.


Abc Flashcards with animals and actions
Abc Whiteboard and markers
Abc Bingo cards with animal and action pictures

Main Aims

  • To introduce present continuous in the context of Unit 5: On the farm Lesson 2: Structures.
  • To provide comprehensive speaking practice for young ESL learners in the context of Unit 5: On the Farm. We will focus on both accurate use of farm-related vocabulary and sentence structures, as well as developing fluency through engaging conversations and activities.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Students can use listening skills to identify specific information about animals and actions in the context of Unit 5: On the farm.
  • To provide speaking practice focused on fluency and accuracy through conversations in the context of Unit 5: On the Farm.
  • To provide clarification and review of animals and actions in the context of Unit 5: On the farm.


Class warm up (5-10 minutes) • To review vocab and action words for students: listening and comprehension

Yes/no questions relating to flashcards Yes and no are written on the board with a line down the middle Students also form a line down the middle of the board Students jump to either side of the board to indicate their answer

Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Activity: Farm Animal Charades Form two teams The teacher acts out different animals and actions; students guess and respond by standing up and shouting out the answer. This will engage the class and set a fun tone.

Vocabulary Review (5-7 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of the target language

Activity: Animal and Action Bingo Interaction Type: Whole Class (WC) The teacher calls out descriptions, and students mark their bingo cards. Students compete individually or in small groups to complete a bingo line. Here is the bingo template: cat running cow jumping duck flying turtle dog eating frog chicken horse FREE cat cow dog jumping frog running turtle chicken flying horse duck eating

Teach: Introduction to Present Continuous (7-10 minutes) • To clarify areas of the target language where students had difficulty in the first test stage

Activity: Flashcard Drama The teacher models sentences with flashcards and then asks questions. Students stand up to act out answer. Modeling: Use TPR to model action while giving the answer. *Possibly use different word cards to form a sentence.

Practice: Interactive Q&A (8-10 minutes) • Check students' use of the target language again and compare with the first test

Activity: Animal & Action Question Answer Interaction Type: Students-Students (S-S) In this station-based "Animal & Action" activity, students rotate through four stations, practicing vocabulary, sentence formation, question and answer interactions, and role-playing using flashcards. Each station focuses on using the present continuous tense, with activities designed to engage students through speaking and TPR (Total Physical Response). This setup promotes active participation and effective language practice. I anticipate this to be the most complicated task, so my instructions will need to be very clear.

Free practice (7-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Activity: Farm Animal Role-Play Assign flashcards to groups for them to prepare and perform a short skit. Act out an action and sound such as: What's the turtle doing? It's eating, chomp chomp chomp! Encouragement: Remind students to have fun and be creative. Support: Walk around to assist groups as needed and offer suggestions. Feedback: After each group presents, provide positive feedback and a brief comment on their use of vocabulary and sentence structures.

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