The Longest Bus Ride
A1-Elementary level


In this lesson, the students will learn the words a mountain, a lake, a bridge , a city, a famous building ...etc and also they will learn the weather conditions such as "it is sunny, it is rainy, it is windy, it is cloudy..etc." The lesson will be started by a question "How do you prefer to travel when you go on holiday?". After that, SS will be having meaning and pronunciation activities to practice the TL. In the end, they will be encouraged to produce TL via controlled and the freer practices. If time allows, the lesson will be ended delayed feedback and the error correction.


Abc Whiteboard , pen
Abc Weather Cards

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of words a mountain, a lake, a famous building..etc and the weather condition words ; sunny, snowy, windy and rainy in the context of the longest bus ride, Ozbus

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy and fluency speaking practice in a conversation and a discussion in the context of the longest bus ride-Ozbus


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1- SS will be asked as "How do you prefer to travel when you go on holiday? for example " I usually go to Istanbul by plane. 2-SS will be given a minute to think. 3-Elicit SS's answers.

Vocabulary Introduction (10-15 minutes) • To elicit and clarify the meaning of target language via PPT and pictures

1-Elicit the below vocabulary from SS. sunny, rainy, snowy,cloudy, windy, mountain, bridge, village, lake, river ,jungle, city, market, building, desert. 2-I will ask CCQs. * Is school a bulding? Yes * In desert, is the weather cold? No, it is hot. * If it is snowing, is the weather hot? No, it is cold. 3-Drill the new words. 4- Write on the board, elicit the part of speech and the stress.

Meaning Activity # 1 (4-5 minutes) • To clarify the meaning of target language via a puzzle.

1-Distribute SS the puzzle HO. 2-Do a demo for the first one 3-SS will work alone first and then they are going to check the answers in pairs. 4-Monitor and help if they need. 5-Check the answers of all pairs. Notice SS to check their answers from one pair who finished correctly.(otherwise, give the A/K) 6-The students will stand up and check the answers.

Meaning Activity # 2 (3-5 minutes) • To practice the meaning of the Target Language through a matching activity.

1-Regroup SS (give names as lake , mountain , desert ) 2-SS will be given some images and the names of the places. 3-SS will match the images with the given names of the places in groups. 4- Monitor and support as needed. 5-The Answer Key will be projected on the board.

Pronunciation Activity (2-3 minutes) • To highlight the pronunciation of target language

1-SS will be given some cards which are written some countries and cities. 2-Tell SS that they are going to stand up and hold the cards and ask each other "How is the weather like in your place?" They will answer as "it is hot, it is rainy....etc 3-Monitor and notice SS to use the TL. W/C F/B

Controlled Speaking Practice (5-7 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

1-Repair SS. 2-SS will be asked to write an example for each word in pairs .( a famous building, a lake , a bridge...etc) They can use Turkey. Give an example as "A lake : Lake Van (Turkey)" 3-SS will share their answers and discuss in pairs. 4-Monitor and correct the mistakes on the spot. 5-Elicit the answers.

Freer Speaking Practice (4-5 minutes) • To provide students with freer practice of the target language

1-Ask SS "where do you want to go on your holiday? and what kind of weather do you like ? why?". 2-SS will discuss their ideas in pairs. 3-Monitor and help if they need. 4-Nominate SS to share their partners' ideas.

Delayed error correction and feedback (2-3 minutes) • To encourage SS to correct their own mistakes

1-While concluding the lesson, if time allows, I will write on the board the correct sentences and the mistakes I've heard. 2-SS will correct their own mistakes.

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