A Day in the Life of an Alien
Beginner level
Main Aims
Writing in the context of another wordly visitor
Subsidiary Aims
Procedure (31-45 minutes)
I will begin the lesson by brainstorming about life on other planets. I will draw a brainstorm cloud on the board and ask the what do they think of when I say outter space. If they do not know 'space', I will point up and say stars or sun and moon.
I will show them some pictures of aliens before drilling vocabulary to try and elicit further vocabulary. I expect they will not know most of these words as they are a bit complicated. Students may have a moment to discuss with their partner about life on other planets. I will hang pictures on the WB and ask once again for students to pronounce them.
Students will be given a HO_1 with a letter from an alien to his home. After students read the letter, in pairs, they underline the verbs in the text. Then, they can answer a few gist questions (HO_2) given to them using past simple of what the alien did or didn't do that day. This is so they have a chance to understand the writing assignment to follow.
I want students to write a post card about their trip to Earth from their home planet. The post card should include a greeting, where they went, two or three things about what they have done in past simple, and a closing. I will write on the WB: 'what did you do?', 'where did you go' , 'what did you see?'. After they have finished, they can work in pairs to share their post cards from Earth.
I want students to read their post cards out loud so they have an opportunity to practice speaking and I can hear if they have used the vocabulary and grammar tenses correctly.