George Chigozie Michael George Chigozie Michael

Travel Pattnars
Elementary A1 level


In this lesson students will learn about travel partners through productive and receptive skill lessons. The lesson contains sessions on pre teaching of vocabulary, listening and speaking. The lesson will start off with pre teaching vocabulary after which students will listen, do some activities. The lesson will round off with speaking lesson and activities.


Abc Audio conversation
Abc Hand out 1
Abc Laptop.
Abc White board and black marker
Abc Paper slips

Main Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a Conversation in the context of travel pattners

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed listening practice using a text about words associated with traveling in the context of travel partners


Lead in ( Warm up ) (5-8 minutes) • To generate the interest of the learners on the topic

1. The T ask students about what states they are from. 2. Students will share with the class their states 3. T will ask students how they came to Izmir and for those that are from Izmir, how they can go to other states. 4.T will ask students if they love traveling alone and if they don't,who do they love to travel with. 5 T will pair students to discuss the people they love traveling with and why they love traveling with the person. 6. T will ask students to share what their partners said.

Pre- teach vocabulary (8-10 minutes) • To elicit, meaning, form and pronunciation of vocabulary that SS will encounter in the lesson

T will use CCQs, contextulalization to elicit meaning and form. T will elicit syllables and stress. T will drill pronunciation.

Pre listening Activity (5-8 minutes) • To provide student with an activity that will help them guess if they are good travel partners and who their travel partner. This activity will help the students to develop their listening skill ( receptive ) and then they will also practice speaking ( productive).

T will handouts ( activity 1) to students. 2. He will give them the instruction to listen to two people talking and answer the question. He will also tell the students to work alone and then work in pairs to cross check their answer. 3. SS will do the activity while the teacher will monitor. 4. When done students cross check. 5. T will provide feedback and error correction where need be. 6. Students will do the speaking activity ( Activity 2 ). 7 T will monitor while the activity is progress taking notes of correct expressions and expressions that need correction. ( these will be used for the delayed correction session.) 8. T will nominate students to share what was discussed in their pair or group.

While listening (5-8 minutes) • Listening for specific gist and specific details.

Note: in this session, SS will do two activities. ( activity 3and 4). T will pair the SS again for this session. 2T will give students slips containing two questions. He will tell students to listen to the conversation again and answer the questions. 3. Students will listen and work together to determine the correct. 4 while working together in their pairs T will listen and take note of good expressions and expressions that need improvement. ( T will make reference to this during the delayed error correction ). 5. T will nominate students in turn to share their pair answers.

Role play (3-5 minutes) • To provide opportunity for SS to practice accuracy speaking in the context of good travel partners.

Using activity 5 material students will engage in role plays Before this activity, the T will pair the student for a third time or group them if need be. SS will switch roles. While the speaking is going on the T will monitor and take notes for error correction.

Freer speaking (3-5 minutes) • To provide opportunity for students to engage in fluency practice.

Students will work in their pairs to discuss the following. 1. From the conversation, is the man or woman a good travel partner. Why/ why not. While the lesson is going on T will monitor for expression that would be used for error. T will nominate students to share their answers and reasons.

Delayed error correction (3-5 minutes) • To provide appreciate good expressions and provide error correction.

T will use the whiteboard to write out correct expressions that he heard during the various speaking activities. And also make reference to the ones that need correction.

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