Gizem Guven Gizem Guven

Days to Remember, past form of verb to be
Beginner level


In this lesson, the students will have listening and speaking activities. They will listen to three different speeches about past events and they will try to speak about a special day like New Year using past form of the verb to be.


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Main Aims

  • To introduce and practice of the past form of the verb 'to be' through listening and speaking activities

Subsidiary Aims

  • Vocabulary - To guide the students to use the vocabulary they learn
  • Speaking - To have the students talk about their memories from a special day like New Year's Day, a concert or a birthday celebration


Warmer (3-5 minutes) • To set the lesson context and engage the students

T writes on white board 'A very special and happy day in your life like birthday, New Year's Eve, festival and concert' and asks the SS to think about it by closing their eyes. T asks the students where they are, if it is crowded, if everybody is happy, if they are eating or drinking anything. Then, Ss open their eyes and T asks Ss where they were, who was happy, who was eating... T briefly introduces 'was and were' saying we use them as past forms of 'as, is and are'.

Vocabulary focus (6-8 minutes) • To provide key words to and prepare Ss for the text (this stage is combined with pre-listening stage)

T plays recordings for football, New Year's Eve and fireworks one by one, then asks students 'Which sport is it? - Football'; 'Are they celebrating something? - Yes. Is it a birthday or New Year's Eve? - N.Y.E.(To give the meaning of 'eve' T shows a calander) How do we know?- They are countingdown and we hear fireworks'; What is firework? - (T can elicit here) bright colour on the sky and bombing. Then T shows a concert ticket and asks what kind of information we can find on the ticket. T shows the seats in the classroom to give the meaning of seat. While getting answers from Ss, T models and drills pronunciation, then, writes the words on WB.

While-Listening (5-7 minutes) • To provide Ss get familiar with the listening text through gist listening

T introduces this stage, sticks name cards of the speakers on WB and asks Ss to listen and write what city the speakers were in and what they were doing. T writes an example on WB: She was in LONDON at a BIRTHDAY PARTY. T plays the recording only once. Then, Ss check their answers in pairs and T gives a whole class feedback.

While-Listening #2 (8-10 minutes) • To provide Ss with more challenging detailed listening

T gives the HO to Ss and asks them read the questions first, then listen carefully and circle the correct answer. T can play the recording more than once. After Ss check their answers in pairs, T gives a whole class feedback.

Post Listening - Speaking (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to speak about their memories from a special day like birthday party, New Year;s Eve or a concert and match

T writes 'a birthday party, New Year's Eve, a concert and a football match' on WB and asks Ss if they want to add any special day to the list. Then, T divides the Ss into four groups of four. T asks each group to talk about their event using 'was/were/. Firstly, Ss talk in pairs in their group, then they change their pairs in their group.

Feedback (3-5 minutes) • To help Ss realize their mistakes and guide them for self-correction

T writes the mistakes she/he notes while monitoring the speaking activity. Firstly, asks Ss to correct their mistakes, then T corrects if correct answers don't come.

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