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Abilities (can and can't), The Simpson
beginner level


In this lesson, students have to try to guess what I can and what I can't. They will have to ask questions to me to see how precise they were. Then they have to look at a photo and listen to an interview where they have to decide if the person gets the job. They have to listen again and put a tick for the correct answers and a cross for the wrong ones. Then, they have to make a list of thingsthey can do and ask each other questions to find things they both do. Afterwards, they have to guess what the simpsons can do. Then, the students will watch a video clip about the simpsons and they have to talk about what the they can and can't do.Finally, they have to introduce a celebrity to each other and tell what he/she can do.


Abc copied images from the book global

Main Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice using a video clip about The Simpsons in the context of Abilities.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist listening practice in the context of abilities.


Warmer/ Lead-in (6-7 minutes) • to remind the students about the topic of the previous lesson.

Teacher gives the students a worksheet. They have to try to guess what the teacher can and can't. After guessing, the students compare their answers with their partners. Finally, they ask the questions to the teacher and see how accurate they were.

Gist Listening (7-8 minutes) • to provide the students with less challenging gist listening.

The teachers gives the students a Handout. The students are supposed to look at the photo and listen to an interview. They have to answer a question according to the conversation. Then, the students listen again and put a tick for the things the person in the interview can do and a cross for the things she can't do. Then the students compare their answers with their partners.

Semi controlled speaking activity (7-8 minutes) • to provide the students with a speaking activity in the context of abilities.

Teacher gives the students another Handout. They have to make a list of things they can do. Then they work in pairs and ask questions to find things they can both do. Finally, they have to tell the class the things they can both do

Free practice speaking activity. (5-6 minutes) • to set a context by letting the students talk in freer practice.

The teacher divides the class into groups of 4. Each group will get one character from the simpsons. They have to try to guess what they can. Then, the groups talks to the other groups to share their ideas and ask questions about the other characters.

Semi-controlled speaking practice (5-10 minutes) • To provide students with a situation where they have to use the modal can.

The teacher divides the class into groups of 3. The students watch some video clips about the simpsons. The teacher pauses in some scenes. In groups, the studentes have to talk about the scenes they are seeing. They have to build up the sentences with can or can't.

Free speaking practice (3-6 minutes) • to provide the students with freer speaking practice

All the students stand up. They tell each other who their favourite celebrity is. And ask each other what he/she can do.

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