younis younis

Lesson plan 7
Intermediate level


A group of nearly 22 students will be introduced to grammar lesson. their ages are different. This lesson will last approximately 45 minutes. They will be exposed and practice some information about tenses (simple past and present perfect). The activities they are going to work on and practice will be varied where the differences between these two tenses will be shown clearly to help the students on how to use them and where.


Abc Listen and check your answers. ex: b, P 21- 2A
Abc Underline present perfect and simple past tenses. ex: c, p 21 - 2A
Abc Complete the dialogue with the past simple and present perfect. ex: b, p 132, Grammar bank
Abc Complete the dialogue - ex: a p 21 - 2A.
Abc Ask and answer in pairs. Free speaking, page 21 - 2A.
Abc Listen and check your answers. ex: b, P 21- 2A

Main Aims

  • To review and clarify present perfect and simple past tenses and practice them in the context of money.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To give the students a chance to have an accuracy speaking practice. To let students practice some pronunciation and highlight the correct setence stress.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

*T projects some words on the white (adverb of time, manner, place ..etc), *Ss have a look at each word for five seconds (5 seconds) to trigger their minds where and where they have seen or used these words. *T asks them to ask her/him some questions about (last week, two days ago, and this morning), *T manipulates the answer to and tries to highlight the difference between things happened and finished and things still true and their affection can be seen or felt.

Exposure (3-5 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

*T gives students instructions to work on ex: a , and he/she sets time (3) minutes, *T asks ISQs here to check instructions; *Ss answer: Yes or No (it depends on the questions) *Ss read the sentences in the boxes and put each one in the correct gap, *T monitors the class during this activity, * Ss check their answers with student next to her/him, *T gives them a whole class feedback, he/she says the number and Ss answer correctly.

Highlighting (3-5 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

*T gives students instructions about ex: b, and sets time (2) minutes, *T asks one or two ICQs, to check instruction *Ss answer either 'Yes or No', it depends on the question. *Ss listen to a conversation and match to what they have done earlier, *Ss do peer-checking, *T gives a whole class feedback.

Clarification (5-8 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

*T projects an example of present perfect tense, *T asks them: what tense is this? *Ss answer: this present perfect, *T asks some CCQs: is happening now? *Ss answer: No. *T explain meaning and form for them, *T shows them stress and intonation, and it is preferred to do back chain drilling. NEXT, *T shows them an example of past tense, *T tries to elicit the meaning form the students, or use CCQs,: Is it an action happened and finished? *Ss answer : Yes, Do we usually know when this happened?, *Ss answer: Yes. *T explains the meaning and form for the tenses, *T projects on the whiteboard where stress, intonation are, and do some back chain drilling.

Controlled Practice (5-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

*T give them instructions on how to work on ex: c, page 21. *Ss work in pairs, *Ss are asked some ICQs: Do we just read the examples? *Ss answer: No. Do we underline present simple? *Ss answer: No. *T sets time for this (3) to finish the activity, *Ss find and underline five sentences form present perfect, and two of past simple, *Ss then answer the question in the same activity, *Ss are asked to check their answers, *Ss are given a whole class feedback.

Semi-Controlled Practice (2-4 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

*T gives students instruction to start working on ex:b, page 132. *Sa are asked some ICQs to check understanding, *T sets time for students which is (3) minutes, *Ss work individually, and when finish they are aske to do peer-checking, *T monitors the class while they are working on it, *Ss give the answer while The teacher telling numbers, *Ss are given a whole class feedback.

Free Practice (2-4 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

*T divides students into pairs (A and B), *Ss have four minutes for this activity, *Ss start ask each other questions starting with: Have you ever ? and Have you recently? there are some phrases and expressions to be used by them in the worksheet handed. *T monitors the activity to check accuracy, *T does some delayed error correction.

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