Farah Etmaan Farah Etmaan

City Features
Level 7 level


In this lesson, students will learn how to ask and answers questions about city features and also use the definite and indefinite articles and when to use them correctly


Abc ppt

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of city features in the context of showing pictures

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide review of city features in the context of showing pictures


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

-I will show a picture of a tourist and let them guess what's going on and then I will write 5 activities on the boards and ask them to rank those 5 activities from the most preferable to the least preferable individually then they will compare their answers with their partners. -I'll ask ICQs: -will you rank them alone? -from the most of least preferable? -after they finish and check with their partners, I'll ask one or two students about their rankings and what's the difference between his and his partner.

Test #1 (3-5 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of the target language

-I will tell the students now I have a quick quiz I want you to choose which word can be transportation, which one can be art, and which one can be a building. -I'll tell them that they have 3 minutes to answer -ICQs: -Are you answering it alone or with your partner? -How much time do you have? -After they finish the test, I will give a whole class feedback to check which words were the hardest

Teach (12-15 minutes) • To clarify areas of the target language where students had difficulty in the first test stage

-I will start teaching from the points they don't know, I will use pictures as a context and I will try to elicit the word through them. - then I'll ask CCQs for each word to check their understanding (Ferry: Is used to transport people? does transport them through land w river?) (Bridge: is it built over ground or underground? Does it help people and vehicles or people only?) (Highway: Is it for long-distance travelling? does it connect cities together?) (Tunnel: Is it over ground or underground?) (Sidewalk: Does it help people to walk freely? Is it safe to walk in?) (Embassy: Is it for officials of a foreign country?) (Hostel: Is it cheap or expensive? is it like a hotel?) (Clinic: is it for special medical care?) (Monument: Is it for anyone or a Important characters). -Then I'll drill each word to check the pronunciation (Chorally-groups-individually) -then the white-board analysis to check the spelling, part of speech, and the stressed syllabi.

Test #2- Controlled practice (8-10 minutes) • Check students' use of the target language again and compare with the first test

-Now I'll tell them to answer a quiz -I want you to complete the sentences with one of the city features we talked about today. -you have 3 minutes to answer them then check your answers with your partner -then I'll check the answers with them and check if they all agree.

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