Annett Rodriguez Annett Rodriguez

Intermediate level


In this lesson, students learn and practice using the word "wrong" fluently in various contexts and improve conversational skills.


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Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, students will have had clarification on the meaning, form, and pronunciation of the word "wrong" and practiced this in a controlled and freer exercise in the context of conversations.
  • In this lesson students learn and practice using the word "wrong" fluently in various contexts and improve conversational skills.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide reading tasks for gist in the context of conversations.
  • To broaden students general understanding of the word wrong in everyday topics.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T will show GIF and elicit student response upon asking “What do you think today’s topic might be?” T elicits a fill-in-the-blank question "I'm sorry you've got the ____ number". Ss answer "wrong" Wrap-up: Well done everybody!

Content preparation (Text Work: gist & intensive) (7-8 minutes) • To provide provide context for the target language through reading.

1. Gist task T presents the word "wrong" through text conversation Ss skim-read and underline the TL "wrong" ICQ: - Are you working alone or with a partner? (Partner) - Are you reading for detail or skimming the text? (Skimming) - Where must you underline your responses?(on screen using annotation tool) Any questions? Are we clear? You have 2 minutes. Start. 2. Specific information task Match expressions T demos, asking for help from one student. Then, T shares the link. ICQ: - Are you working alone or with a partner? (alone) -Where are you answering your questions? (Google doc) -How many minutes do you have? (3min) Any questions? Are we clear? 3min. Start. Monitor: Check all students are on task and speaking English. Listen for interesting comments for feedback/Listen for common mistakes. Post-activity Feedback: Wrap up: Good job everyone.

Clarification (MFPA) (10-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T introduces task for meaning, form, and pronunciation of TL. *Details in TLAS below T conducts OCFB CCQ's in TLAS

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide an opportunity for Ss to practice the TL (accuracy)

T introduces controlled practice (In this activity students will put the word “wrong” where it belongs.) via google Docs. T models and elicits answers from students. ICQ: Do we work individually or in pairs? (Individually) Where do we answer our questions? (Google Docs) Students will then compare answers T will provide feedback where necessary.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practive of the target language

Ss interview their partners using the word "wrong" in different contexts. T presents the three questions: 1. Have you ever been in a situation where something went wrong? What happened? 2. Can you think of a time when you did something wrong and had to apologize? How did you handle it? 3. Do you believe there are situations where doing something wrong is justified? Why or why not? ICQ: What will you be doing? (Discussing these questions) ICQ: How will you be doing this? (Pair share) ICQ: How much time do you have? (8min) Teacher will allow students to pair share. ( I will turn off screen and monitor for DEC) Teacher will bring the whole class together to discuss the scenarios and their experiences. Post-activity Feedback: T selects a student from each group to recount what another student said. Wrap-up Well done, everyone!

Feedback and Error Correction (3-5 minutes) • To provide feedback on the completion of task and language.

T conducts OCFB bringing the whole class together to discuss the scenarios and their experiences following up on the FB stage. T conducts DEC: T writes on the screen samples of learners' key points discussed during the lesson, their use of the word "wrong" and their ability to express themselves clearly in different contexts. Learns are to identify both correct and incorrect sentences including pronunciation, then learners correct latter ones by themselves.

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