Martin Plasse Martin Plasse

TP6 - Passives
Pre-intermediate level


This lesson teaches the passive voice for the present simple and past simple tenses roughly using a test-guided discovery-test lesson shape.


Abc Test #1
Abc PPt presentation
Abc Test #1 AK
Abc Use of by + Test #2 HO
Abc Official residences HO

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of the passive voice (present and past simple) in the context of famous buildings

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide process writing practice of a passive sentences in the context of famous buildings


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Ss are shown the picture of the Tower of London. They are asked to talk together about what it is or what they think it is? When was it built? By whom? etc. The name is revealed and 2 sentences are shown; 1 active, 1 passive. Ss are asked what is the difference between the 2 sentences. They talk about it in pairs, they are asked to find out. T tries to elicit passive (and active), and gives the terms if not possible.

Test #1 (5-6 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of the target language

Ss are provided with Test #1 HO. Close attention is paid to monitoring, T is looking for them to write the correct answers first of all. If this is generally the case, T can go quickly through the next stage and on to the first controlled practice. If ss are having trouble; next stage is used to sufficiently clarify meaning, and normal order of the procedures is followed.

Focus on meaning (3-5 minutes) • To show students the difference between active and passive, and the possible use of passive voice

Test #1 is used as part of the guided discovery (for meaning). The following CCQs are used to clarify what was shown and/or learned: Following up on test #1 using silde 2, Ss are asked: The Tower of London was built in 1078. Do we know who built the Tower of London? No William the conqueror built the Tower of London. Is this a passive sentence? No What about: The Tower of London was built by William the Conqueror. Is active or passive? Passive

Focus on form (4-6 minutes) • Show ss how parts of speach can be moved to make a sentence passive and vice versa

T shows parts of speech on model sentence from slide 2. Ss are asked to identify them on the HO. "Did you see a pattern?" Trying to elicit T uses arrows to show movement of object and subject.

Controlled Practice 2 (5-6 minutes) • To provide practice of the correct use of to be

HO is simply explained (using example and PPt slide 4) and provided. Monitoring: this should go smoothly, verify that this is the case. If not, go back to example and show time markers in the sentence. Use slide as AK

Controlled Practice (6-7 minutes) • To provide further practice including the use of 'by' in passive sentences

HO is explained using example on PPt slide 5. Monitoring: Checking for errors in grammar and pronunciation. Usual FB to elicit and provide correct answers. Possibility to make ss come write correct answers on WB. If necessary and time allows, work on pronunciation problems.

Test #2 (8-10 minutes) • Check students' use of the target language again and compare with the first test

To increase challenge, and so it can also be used as controlled/semi-controlled practice. Ss are guided to exercise 2 of the last HO. And shown example SScheck in pairs

Semi-controlled practice (8-12 minutes) • To provide students further, less guided, practice of the TL

The steps of building a skyscraper are shown through a single noun on PPt slide. Correct verb is provided. They are asked to write a passive sentence to describe each step. If time is available they are asked to do the same in active form and/oe using 'by' depending on perceived needs.

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