Delal Delal

Finding an E-mail Friend
Elementary level


In this lesson, students write an e-mail to a website to find an e-mail friend for themselves, but before that stage they get to see a model and they discuss the best match for that post by looking at some other people's emails. Then the WC brainstorms about what else should be added to a post that aims to find an e-mail friend. Finally, they write their own e-mails to find their own e-mail friends. At the end, they put their e-mails on the walls of the classroom, and the Ss. decide which person is the best e-mail friend for which person by roaming in the class and reading each others' writings.


Abc Model Writing
Abc Useful Language Flashcards
Abc Replies from 4 People

Main Aims

  • To provide process and product writing practice of an e-mail in the context of finding friends on Internet

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide deduction and inference reading practice using a text about finding friends on Internet
  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a discussion in the context of finding friends on Internet


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

-Today we will find our best friends in this classroom. *Ask the Ss. to stick the hobby cards on their chests if they do those in their real lives. -Look at each other's hobbies, do you think ... could be your best friend in the future? Why? Is it important to like doing the same things?

Exposure (7-8 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading

-Have you ever heard of or seen the website called before? -This is an e-mail to find new friends on the Internet. Ask the Ss. to read the e-mail of Laura individually and then answer the questions in pairs.

Highlighting (8-10 minutes) • To highlight the style of writing in different models through speaking

1.The Ss. work in pairs to find the best friend match for Laura out of 4 responses she received. 2. Student A's get only two responses and Student B's get the other two responses. 3. They discuss their answers by practising the Useful Language that I write on the board. 4. At the end of this stage, ask the groups who they chose as the best match for Laura.

Highlighting & Brainstorm (3-4 minutes) • To highlight the useful language and brainstorm for new ideas

1. Highlight the greeting and parting words in the e-mail and provide more alternatives. 2. Use CCQs to highlight its informal tone. 3. Ask Ss. if they want to know more about a person that will be their friend on Internet and give an example, such as family life, pets they have, favorite films/books....etc. Let them work in pairs for a minute and then get their responses.

Productive Task (16-18 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

1. Ask the Ss. to write their own e-mails by using Laura's email as a model and answering to questions that I have written on WB after brainstorming. 2. Monitor them and help them with necessary vocabulary and their other questions. (Don't tell the words immediately, first try to elicit them)

Feedback and Error Correction (8-10 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

1. Ask the Ss. to put their emails on the walls. 2. Ask the Ss. to read all of the e-mails by roaming around the classroom and choose the best matches after reading them all.

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