Nevin Durmaz Nevin Durmaz

Teaching Practice 7
Pre-intermediate level


In this lesson, students will be exposed to Present and Past passive structure, have some controlled and semi controlled practice where they practise what they have learnt. This will be followed with the introduction of some verbs often used in the passive. Finally, is time left, they will have a writing practice at the end, with a delayed error correction feedback in the end


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of present simple passive and past simple passive in the context of shopping

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of the verbs often used in the passive in the context of favourite things


Warmer/Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Teacher will divide the students into groups of 3. S/he will give some cut-up sentences to the students which are written in passive structure and ask the students to match the sentences in groups. In groups, sts will discuss about the sentences. AK will be posted on the wall, they will come and check their answers. T will ask whether they have any different answers.

Exposure (4-5 minutes) • To provide context of the target language through a text or situation

T writes these sentences on the board; "(1)Over 114 million people use eBay. / (2)eBay is used by over 114 million people. (3)Marilyn Monroe wore this dress. / (4)This dress was worn by Marilyn Monroe." Ask some CCQs: Are they present or past? (First two; present and second two; past) What are the subjects of active sentences? (Over 114 million people and Marilyn Monroe) What are the subjects of passive sentences? (eBay and This dress) In which sentences, we are interested in "Over 114 million people" and "Marilyn Monroe"? (in active sentences). In which sentences, we are interested in "eBay" and "This dress"? (in passive sentences)

Focus on Meaning (Guided Discovery) (2-3 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the meaning and use of the target language

Ask students to look at the sentences on the WB and then select the correct rule for each structure. Feedback: Elicit the answers.

Focus on Form (Guided Discovery) (3-4 minutes) • to focus on the form of the target language

In pairs, sts will be told to look at the model sentences and fill in the gaps with the correct auxiliary verbs in part c. Then they will be asked to use the text to complete the negative and question forms of the passive forms in part d. They will check their answers in pairs. Feedback : T will hand out the AK to the students, so that they keep it for themselves.

Focus on Pronunciation (2-3 minutes) • To highlight the phonological features of the TL

T highlights / drills features of phonology: V1-V2 (active-passive): use - is used / V2-V3 (active-passive): wore- was worn

Practice 1 (5-7 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

1) Sts will fill in the gaps with am / is / are or was / were. AK will be shown on the computer. 2) Sts will read the sentences and decide whether they are active or passive. Then choose the correct words. AK will be posted on the walls.

Practice 2 (If time activity #1) (4-5 minutes) • To practice the difference between active and passive forms

Sts will read a longer paragraph and put the verbs in brackets in the correct active or passive form. AK will be provided

Language focus (7-8 minutes) • To introduce the verbs often used in the passive

T posts some verbs shown with their stress (some of them with pictures in order to clarify the meaning) ; invent, manufacture, build, direct, write, make, grow, paint and tells them that these verbs often used in the passive. T puts the verbs on the left side of the board. Divide the sts into groups of 3 and gives them some nouns. Sts stand up and stick these papers next to the verbs that they go with.

Free Practice (if time activity #2) (4-5 minutes) • To provide students with free writing practice of the target language

Ss fill in the gaps, complete sentences and make them true for themselves. Then they check their answers with their partners. T will monitor and have delayed error correction in the end

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