Soroush Fathizadeh Soroush Fathizadeh

Beginner level


In this lesson ss are going to review some vocabulary about places in a town, and are going to read a reading for gist and then details.


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Main Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed reading practice using a text about My home town in the context of Towns and Cities

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide vocabulary review and clarification of Places in a town or city in the context of Town and Cities


Warmer (1-2 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T puts a picture of the city of Bath and asks if Ss can guess which city or country it is. Ss work in pairs and discuss their answers. T gives a short feedback and clarifies it's Bath in England, with a map.

Pre-reading/Vocab pre-teach (3-5 minutes) • To help students get a better grasp of the reading by clarifying some key words in advance.

T shows two or three pictures of the new words and elicits meaning. Then gives a HO of 6 words in one column and pictures in another, for ss to match and check in pairs. Feedback: T will check answers as a whole class, briefly drilling the difficult words.

Reading for gist (3-5 minutes) • To provide ss with less challenging gist and specific information reading task

T will introduce Susan, and that she is from Bath. T will ask if they think Susan likes living in Bath. T clarifies the time limit, and that ss need to do it fast. Feedback: Share answers in pairs, and the whole class elicit (with reasons)

Reading for details (8-9 minutes) • To provide ss with more challenging detail

Ss read again, this time for details, and answer the questions in ex. 3 b. Feedback: check in pairs, followed by WCBF.

Intensive reading (7-10 minutes) • To further reinforce reading for comprehension and recognition of six target vocabulary items.

T will put six numbered pictures on the board and asks students to read the text and number the corresponding words in the text. Feedback: Ss check in pairs, then with the whole class.

Post-reading, Focus on Vocabulary (4-7 minutes) • To further introduce/practice vocabulary items related to cities and towns and give variety to the class

T will give a HO of ex. 1 a, page 48. for ss to read and match. Feedback: Ss first check in pairs, then T shows the pictures and elicits answers as a whole class, helping with pronunciation.

Freer Practice (Option 1) (5-7 minutes) • To have students use the target vocabulary in writing

T gives ss papers to briefly write (3 lines) about their city, here "Istanbul". Feedback: ss swap their papers and read one another's sentences and repot to class what places their partner has written about. [Note: This paper can later be used for a TTT approach of language of description by the next teacher, in case of interest.]

Post-reading (Focus on vocabulary, option 2) (5-7 minutes) • To recycle some target vocabulary items from the WB

T will give ss a HO from WB, ex. 1, page 28. to match the words with pictures. Feedback: Ss compare answers in pairs, then with the whole class, when T asks for an example for each answering S.

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