James Lewis James Lewis

TP 6
Beginner A1 level


Abc Presentation - TP 6
Abc HO_1 - Identify the correct version of there is/are
Abc HO_2 - answers to HO_1
Abc HO_3 - Information about St Petersburg
Abc HO_4 - A city guide, including a list of the available facilities in the city.
Abc HO_4 B - City guide, including a list of the available facilities in the city

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of there is/there are in the context of weekend city breaks

Subsidiary Aims

  • To introduce the students to some basic task Language
  • To give the students speaking practice in the context of city breaks


Lead in (5-10 minutes) • To review some lexis related to structures/facilities found in cities

Go through the presentation eliciting the words for each picture, drilling the pronunciation for each word while it is still shown, followed up by showing all the pictures and the written form of the words. Finally check the students can remember by using the slide with all the pictures but no words.

Introduce the students to the grammar there is/are (5-7 minutes) • To give the students the structure for using there is/there are

Using the presentation explain the structure for "there is" and "there are". CCQ - "_______ 10 buses" and "_______ a museum" to check the use of there is vs there are.

Task Language (5-7 minutes) • To give the students some of the basic tools to be able to check their answers with a peer

Use the presentation to give the students the basic language enabling them to check their answers with a peer "What have you got for...?" and "I have got..."

Identify the correct use of 'there is/are' (5-7 minutes) • To give the students heavily guided practice at identifying the correct use of there is or are

Give the students the HO and ask them to underline the correct one for each, they should work individually

Checking answers in pairs (2-4 minutes) • To give the students practicing the use of the task language they learnt earlier today

Using the language they have just learnt get the students to check their answers to the HO with a partner, Monitor them as they are doing it to ensure they are using english to check.

Check answers via Listening (3-5 minutes) • To give the students practice listening for specific information

Get the students to listen to the recording so that they can identify the correct answers to the questions. Post listening give students the correct answers via HO

Semi controlled practice creating there is/are sentences (5-7 minutes) • To get the students to create their own sentences making use of there is or there are from a body of given text

I will show the students the information about St Petersburg via the presentation and explain to them that using the words in bold, they will create a sentence for each word using "there is" or "there are", to ensure they understand the instructions properly I will first go through one example on the board having the students complete it - "there is an international airport" Once this example has been completed I will give the students the HO. The students will complete this on their own.

Checking the created sentences (5-7 minutes) • To check the students have correctly formed sentences using there is or there are

In this section of the lesson I will ask for one sentence for each word in the given text, the students will check their own work by way of checking that everyone agrees with the given sentence, after each sentence I will drill the sentence with them and then provide the written form on the board.

Preparation for speaking practice using there is/are in the context of cities (5-10 minutes) • To give the students chance to prepare some questions and answers to questions related to structures found in big cities

I will explain to the students that I have information on two cities and that they will be given one, I will split the class in to two groups - group A and group B and have them work together to create the sentences.

Give the students practice speaking using there is or there are in the context of cities (5-10 minutes) • Give the students semi controlled practice using there is and there are

The students must now pair up with someone from the opposite group, in their pairs they must find out which facilities exist in City A but not in City B and vice versa. I will close out this lesson by using the last slide in the presentation to show two columns A | B. The students with the City A handout must now fill in the column for city B and vice versa.

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