Nasrine elhassani Nasrine elhassani

Intermediate level


In this lesson, students read for gist and for specific information about the text describing the movie THE RETURN OF MARTIN GUERRE. The lesson starts by showing the movie's poster and asking what is it about. This is followed by gist reading to put the mixed paragraphs in order. Then a detailed reading task to match sentences with phrases from the text. The post reading activity is a discussion about the text.


Abc Mysteries reading HO
Abc Film poster enlarged

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed reading practice using a text about the movie THE RETURN OF MARTIN GUERRE in the context of secrets.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide speaking for fluency practice in the context of evaluating secrets. To allow for anticipation of events in the text.


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set reading context and engage students

VISUALIZATION 1. T says: Close your eyes and think of a married couple you know. It can be you or a couple that you are close to. 2. Now imagine them as they: talk, argue, eat, sleep, read, relax, have fun, do a physical activity, do something they enjoy, refuse to do something they don't like, have a problem. 3. WERE YOU ABLE TO IMAGINE THEM? COULD YOU BE CLOSE TO THEM AND NOT BE ABLE TO KNOW HOW THEY BEHAVE? COULD THEY NOT NOW HOW THEIR SPOUSE WILL BEHAVE?

Pre-teaching Vocabulary (4-5 minutes) • To familiarize sts with unfamiliar words

Pre-teach: Elicit, Check, Highlight, Drill, Write imposter (n) - claim (v) - hanged (v) - convince (v) - pretend (v)

Pre-Reading (4-6 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and familiarize them with the main idea of the film

Film poster speculations - ex1 1.Put enlarged film poster on the board. 2. Ask: WHAT IS IT ABOUT? 3. Ss read film description, pg 100: WHAT DO YOU THINK THE THE TRUTH IS?

While-Reading #1 (7-9 minutes) • To provide students with a gist reading task

Rearranging the paragraphs - ex2 1. Chest the HO: Read and put the paragraphs in order - 4 minutes 2. Give HO. 3. CHECK WITH YOUR PAIR. 4. Monitor 5. FB: Nominate ss to ans. 6. WERE YOUR SPECULATIONS CORRECT?

While-Reading #2 (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed reading tasks

MATCHING SENTENCES - ex3 1. Chest HO: In pairs, complete sentences 1-7 using phrases a-g. 2. Monitor 3. FB: Nominate sts to ans.

Post-Reading (8-10 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

WC discussin !. IN PAIRS, DISCUSS: Could Bertrande really have believed that Arnaud was her husband? Why or why not? 2. Monitor 3. DOUBLE FB: # What do you think, COULD SHE? # DEC

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