gulnar gulnar

Tourist Information
Beginner A1 level


In this lesson students will practice listening for gist and for details in the context of tourist information centre. They will also learn and practise names of some vocabulary items. At the end of the lesson they will have a chance to personalize the language and talk about tourist information center.


Abc Vocabulary Matching
Abc Vocabulary bingo
Abc Listening Handout

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed listening practice using a text about tourist information centre

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of possessions vocabulary in the context of tourist information centre


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set the lesson context and engage students

Show SS some of the things you have in your bag and say what you have. e.g. I have my ID card with me. Ask one of the Ss if he/she also has the same things with him/her. Have Ss in pairs talk what they have with them. Get feedback from a couple of Ss

Vocabulary focus (6-8 minutes) • to check SS' prior knowledge of the vocabulary

Have Ss match the words on the left with the correct picture on the right. Get them compare their answers in pairs before having a whole class feedback. (As an alternative feedback you can stick the pictures on the board and ask one of the Ss to come and stick the vocab cards)Model and drill difficult words with the whole class.

Pre-Listening (3-5 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Show Ss the images of people at the tourist information centre in Bath. Ask them in pairs to discuss which things they see in the photoes.Give them a minute or two for discussion. Get feedback randomly from a couple of pairs.

While-Listening #1 (5-7 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist listening tasks

Have Ss listen to 3 short conversations in the tourist information centre in Bath. Have them compare their answers in pairs before having a whole class feedback.(Note: If need be,play the recording again after pair check.)

Pre-teaching vocabulary (5-7 minutes) • To prepare Ss for the detailed listening and make it accessible for them

Elicit from Ss the meanings of the following words: tourist, free, open, closed, a street, a.m. p.m. Give them some hints. Ask CCQs to check understanding.

While-Listening #2 (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed listening tasks

Have Ss listen to the track again and choose the correct answers. Before playing the recording give them time to read the sentences. Have them compare their answers in pairs before getting a whole class feedback. (Note: If need be play the recording for the second time after peer-checking)

Post-listening (2-3 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Ask Ss in pairs to discuss what they can get from tourist information centers. How can tourist information centres help them? Get answers randomly from a couple of pairs.

Feedback (2-3 minutes) • to aware Ss of their mistakes

Write some sentences with errors made in follow-up stage on the board. Elicit the corrections from Ss.

Backup activity (4-6 minutes) • to provide controlled practice of vocabulary

Play a vocabulary bingo with the Ss. Distribute bingo cards randomly so that the ones sitting next to each other don't get the same cards. Read out the words. Ss should hear and tick the words on their cards. The one who finishes all the words on his card shouts Bingo! The first student to shout Bingo wins the game.

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