First Lessson, Level A2- Evergreen
Main Aims
To provide review and practice of Past simple tense - affirmative and negative statements, simple present statements, simple present questions, factual conditionals, time clauses, frequency adverbs in the context of Internet usage
Subsidiary Aims
To provide scan and detailed reading practice using a text about Internet usage
Procedure (170-246 minutes)
- Put the following on the board in some sort of random shape: 1992, 10, Zimbabwe, gold, 32, Toyota - Ask students what this means. (Entertain 3 guesses). - Answer: Personal facts about myself - Show on projector Get to know you ex: Give students 5 mins to create their own life picture. Sts come and create on board
In pairs, sts answer the qs: - Q 1. from Grammar and Beyond, 2A- what kinds of things do you do on the Internet? Q. 2- What is one good thing, and what is one bad thing about spending time online? - Nominate Sts to answer
P. 2, 1A. Sts will be given questions, then will individually read the text, and answer Ex. C, Q. 1, and 4 to practice skimming for specific information - peer check with partner sitting next to them - Whole class feedback Ask Sts: Why does the verb have an 's' in q. 4. What is the subject? - Ans: 'People' - What part of the verb is that? Ans: 3rd person singular - that's why it has an 'S'. Sts will be given questions, then will individually read the text, and answer Ex. B 1. and 3. Peer check. Then Elicit responses in whole class setting (Give each student a slip to cover ans. to 'face to face' highlighted in book)
- Students will be put into groups of 3, and be instructed to use Oxford Learner's Dictionary as well as glossary in back of book to define words . - (= Meaning/ form) - Drill pronunciation with word stress blocks on board - Once everyone has finished with the definitions, we will go through the work as a class. Sts will then each write sentences using 5 of the words- assigned by counting out which half of the 5 they'll work on, then sts will use the words in sentences. Go over appropriacy dealyed error correction
Ask: What tense was the reading in? - What is the present simple used for? (p. 3) - Write down on board - Check meaning of habit CCQ: 1. if something is a habit, do I do it once? No 2. Do I do it a lot? Yes - What is the most common verb in English? Conjugation of 'to be' as whole class - I am, you are, he is.. she is - Negatives contractions: I am not, you are not ... - Negative contractions : I'm not, you're not.... I - Conjugate 'to shop (online) ' - negative conjugation - Ask questions to formulate questions using 'Do, does, where, when, how often, who, what' using the verb 'to shop' - peer check - whole class - Ask what parts of speech are these words? ' sometimes, never, hardly ever' ? - Ans: Adverbs of frequency. - 'Frequency' ?- Elicit the no. of times things happen - Remember we said past simple is also used to say how often things happen - Draw a timeline with 6 demarcation lines on it and have students fill in where these words fit - Write sentences 'I am hardly ever free' and ask a student to come up and break sentence down into parts of speech. what verb that is, and get students to work out where in the adverb of freq. comes when you're using verb 'to be' - write another sentence, repeat procedure and ask students to work out where adverb of freq. comes when you're using other verbs - Write down a question- repeat procedure and ask students to work out where adverb of freq. comes with questions - Listening Ex. 2.2- frequency adverbs
Separate students into different pairs than original. Sts use the prefix clauses " what time" and 'when" to formulate questions about the following activities? - sleep? Go dancing? Eat? Study? - Get sts to find two activities to add to this list and make qs about - 4 mins - Sts practice "how often" qs which they answer with frequency expressions on timeline - 4 mins - Whole class feedback
Ex. 2.4 Questions , p. 8 - let students know we'll be going over class syllabus after break
- Draw a heart and elicit guesses as to what it might mean - write word family and ask a few students how they would illustrate that - write 'communication' and task class with illustrating that (5 mins) have each student draw and then describe their piece (10 mins) show then a square, explain that each part (reading, writing, speaking, listening practice) is necessary. Think of situations in which you might need to do each of these things, in pairs, then pairs share with groups, then groups share with whole class. Let them know that we all have a preferred task, eg. I love writing. I write poems for fun- explain my approach- they can always ask me questions.
- Walk through student syllabus - explain attendance policy (secretary example)- life is about showing up and being on time - I'm going to be doing fun stuff in the beginning of the lesson and after breaks. So don't be late, and attend both parts of the session. I also give quiz notes towards the end, so you have to be here for all of class - Need to buy the book- incentive- 30 mins to do the hw in class. A one time offer. If we get here tomorrow and most people have not got a copy of the book, then we will just jump into class, and you will have to hand in double homework on Monday. - Any questions?
- what part of speech are 'if' and 'when' classified as? - factual conditionals - Write sentences in bold under 'Grammar presentation'. - Main clause? - Elicit - Ask if order can be reversed - Comma if time clause comes first
Ex. 3.2 - pairs, whole class - Ex. 3.1 time clauses - Read individually Do individually - peer check - Have students read sentences out then give preferred option - whole class
- Ex. 1 - Ex. 2A - And start learning your 10 words for test net week Tues. Tomorrow, I will give you another 10 words, so make sure you are in class. - If it snows, check this website- write down, and go to
Students ask me any qs they have. Students can start homework