Joel Enrique Ruelas Leal Joel Enrique Ruelas Leal

Passive Present Simple Vs Passive Past Simple
Pre Intermediate level


Abc Reading for gist:

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of simple present passive and simple past passive

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide process writing practice of a short story using the present simple passive and past simple passive.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

- Teacher starts the class by greeting the students and asking them how are they today. - T introduces the topic "Excellent! Today, we are going to learn about the passive voice, focusing on the present simple passive and the past simple passive." - T asks students "Can anyone tell me what the passive voice is? Have you ever used it before? - T gives students an example in case students don't know anything about passive voice. "English Lessons are learned every Wednesday and Friday" - T asks CCQs: "Is this sentence in simple present or in simple past?" (Simple present) "What is the verb to be in present? (AM/IS/ARE)

Exposure (6-7 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

- T starts screen sharing the Google Forms, where he presents the text and gives instructions "Now, individually, you are going to read the text and choose the heading that best describes each paragraph. You are going to have 3 minutes to complete this activity." - T asks ICQ's: - Is it individual or in teams? - How much time do you have? 3 or 5 minutes? - Are you choosing headings or are you writing the headings? - T sends the Google Slides link. - Students read the text and answer the activity. - The correct answers are: - 1.- Global Book Publications - 2.- Success of a New Novel - 3.- Anticipation and Author's Words - 4.- Reader's Curiosity and Excitement - T checks the answers and gives OCFB

Highlighting (3-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

- T starts screen sharing the Google Slides. - T tells students "Very good, everyone. You are going to find the slide with your name, look for it in slides 2-4. Now, in pairs, you are going to highlight the sentences with the passive voice, in simple present and simple past. You are going to have 2-3 minutes to do so" - Students do the activity. - T checks the students answers and gives assistance if needed.

Clarification (12-14 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

- T starts screensharing the CANVA PRESENTATION. - T explains the definition of "Passive voice" The passive voice is when the action is more important or interesting than the person who does the action. In the present is used when something is regular or habitual. - T gives an example in active voice and in passive voice and asks students "Which one is focusing on the action rather than the person that performs the action?" (THE FIRST ONE) - T explains the form for the simple present passive. SUBJECT + VERB TO BE + VERB IN PAST PARTICIPLE (AM/IS/ARE) - T explains the definition of simple past passive. The passive voice is when the action is more important or interesting than the person who does the action. But now, the action has already finished. - T explains the form for the simple past passive. SUBJECT + VERB TO BE + VERB IN PAST PARTICIPLE (WAS/WERE) FOR PRONUNCIATION - T starts screen sharing a GOOGLE PRESENTATION where he explains the instructions: "Now, individually you are going to highlight the stress words in the 4 sentences. I will play the audios and you will highlight. - T sends GOOGLE PRESENTATION (PRONUNCIATION) link. - Students answer the activity. - T checks answers and gives OCFB The answers are: THOUSANDS of BOOKS are PUBLISHED around the WORLD LAST year, a NEW NOVEL was PUBLISHED. This NOVEL, which was WRITTEN by FERNANDA PACHECO These BOOKS are WRITTEN by AUTHORS from DIVERSE BACKGROUNDS.

Controlled Practice (5-6 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

- T starts screensharing a GOOGLE FORMS (CONTROLLED PRACTICE) document. - T gives instructions. "Now, we are going to change these sentences from active voice into passive voice. This will be individual and you are going to have 5 minutes. If you have any questions regarding the verbs in past participle, feel free to ask or look on the internet. PLEASE DON'T SUBMIT YOUR ANSWERS WHEN YOU ARE DONE. " - Students do the activity - T screenshares the answers for the activity. - Students correct their answers.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

- T gives instructions. "Now that we have practiced the passive voice, we are going to use it to write a short story. You will work in pairs to create a story that includes both the simple present passive and the simple past passive." - T starts screensharing an example of the writing. - T sends them the link where they are going to write. - T tells students that they have 7 minutes to write the story. - T monitors and helps students if they are having trouble with the TL. - Students read their short story to the WC. - T gives DEC. - T thanks students for being there and for being such a good group :)

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