younis younis

Lesson plan 5
Intermediate level


The lesson is about 45 minutes where students will be working on some reading skills. they will use different reading techniques (skimming, intensive reading and finally will practice speaking as a reaction to the reading. The students` level is intermediate and they look creative and keen to earn more. They are of different ages ranging between 22 to 55 years old. Rapport is just being built with them as this helps the lesson moving smoothly.


Abc (3) Find the word and choose the best definition p 96
Abc Short films or photos about magic works
Abc (1) Choose the correct explanation - p 96
Abc (2) True or False p 96
Abc Two questions about tricks in advertisements

Main Aims

  • To introduce students to reading sub-skill where they look for detailed information in a text in the context of secrets

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency through discussion about advertisments
  • To provide scan reading looking for some vocabulary meaning in a certain context


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

*T plays short films or projects photos about the topic for (1) minute to brainstorm students, *Ss watch these to think about the topic and trigger their mind about it. *T asks students to talk in pairs about the films or photos for (2) minutes, *T check understanding: How many minutes do you have? *T asks students two or three questions (have you been to magic show?, Did you like it? Do you believe in magic? what typical tricks do magician do? (if needed), *T mentions some tricks (cutting people in half; pulling rabbits out of a hat and making people vanish).

Pre-Reading/ (4-6 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

*T chest the work sheet, and points to the activity, *T asks students to read this question carefully and choose the best definition for it from the text in *T gives them (2) minutes to do it, *T checks understanding : How many minutes do you have? *Ss should skim the text quickly and try to spot the correct answer, *T monitors the while they working on this activity, *T asks them to check in pair when they finish, *T gives the a whole class feedback.

While-Reading#1 (7-10 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

*T write two sentences on the whiteboard ( one is correct and one incorrect), *T asks students to answer (just to guide them to the next activity), *T again chest the work sheet, and point to ex (2) and ask them to read the sentences (information) first and then read the text and decide what is true and what is false. *T gives them (4) minutes to finish it, *T checks understanding : How many minutes do you have? *T monitors the class to give them confidence, *T asks students to check in pairs when they finish, *T gives a whole class feedback. T says number and Ss answer (true or false).

While-Reading #2 (4-6 minutes) • To help students get the meaning from context (contextual guesswork)

*T asks students to read ex (3), and get the answer from the text, *T gives them (2) minutes to scan the text and find the answers, *T monitors while student working on the activity. *T asks to check answers in pairs, *T gives a whole class feedback. T says number and they answer either (a or b).

Post-Reading/ Speaking ( fluency practice) (6-8 minutes) • To provide students with an opportunity to develop their fluency in the context of advertisement

*T elicits from them some ideas about tricks in advertisements, *T asks them to sit in pairs, *T asks gives them a piece of paper with two questions (Do you like tricks in advertisements? if yes, why if no why not? and do think that most people know these tricks? , and asks them to discuss. *T divide them into three groups and asks them to discuss this.

Pre-teaching vocabulary (3-5 minutes) • To familiarize students with some difficult and new vocabulary for the reading.

*T elicits from the vocabulary from the students (photo, definition or explanation), *T checks vocabulary meaning, *T drills the vocabulary, *T writes it on the whiteboard.

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