Narelle Brownlie Narelle Brownlie

Level 4 level


Ss learn vocabulary related to exercise and beauty treatments and complete reading and speaking and listening activities


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Main Aims

  • Ss learn vocabulary related to exercise and beauty

Subsidiary Aims

  • Ss practise reading and listening skills


Lead In • Introduce the topic of exercise and beauty

Show the Hillside Centre page to elicit vocabulary - gym and spa and food Qs - What do you see? What would you choose to do if you went there? Qs - Have you ever been to a Spa? If yes. what did you have done there? Would you go again? Why do people go to them? Qs - Do you go to a gym? Where / Why? Qs - Do you think that they cost too much? Qs - Why do you think they are so expensive? WELLBEING CENTRE ( WELLNESS CENTRE) = Mind and Body - Relaxing Music - Aromas - nice smells - Gentle Lighting - Organic snacks and juices

Vocabulary 1 - KEEPING FIT / GYM • Ss learn vocabulary related to Exercise

Activity - T mimes and Ss to guess EQUIPMENT (6) Use AN EXERCISE BIKE A ROWING MACHINE A CROSS TRAINER A YOGA MAT Do WEIGHTS Go on A RUNNING MACHINE EXERCISE (7) - DO sit-ups, press-ups, aerobics, spinning, Pilates, yoga - stretch T writes on WB What equipment / exercise if lose weight tone your muscles cardio exercises improve your flexibility have a bad back

Speaking • Ss practise speaking skills

4 GROUPS - Exercise / Keeping fit - Beauty - Wellbeing = food and checkups - Boosting your brain power Activity 1 - Ss provide minimum of 3 examples for each Activity 2 - I think the most important thing is ....ING I think it is important to.....

Writing and Presentation • Ss practise writing a slogan and practise their presentation skills

3 CAMPAIGNS to encourage people to look after themselves better Firstly Secondly And, finally

Listening • Ss practise listening skills

YOUTUBE VIDEO - The View: Bizarre Spa Treatments T hands out WS and then plays the video Snakes= massage = non venomous coldness joint tenderness Geisha Facial = exfoliate dead skin rice bran and bird excrement Corona Beer Face lift = tighten skin protein Chocolate body treatment = body skin exfoliant Fish pedicure = 1846 Turkey Eczema exfoliating safe natural no pain painless Ss complete individually and then WC Check

Vocabulary 2 - BEAUTY • Ss learn vocabulary related to Beauty

Beauty TREATMENTS MANICURE = hands PEDICURE = feet FACIAL MASSAGE WAXING FAKE TAN Qs - Have you ever had any of these treatments?

Reading SAUNA or OVEN - P 75 • Ss practise reading skills

2 TEAMS Group 1 - 7 Qs Group 2 - 7 Qs T sticks up 4 separate paragraphs on one wall of the room and 4 same paragraphs on the opposite wall of the room - Each student must find the answer to his/her Q - Goal is to be the first team to answer all 7 Qs Bonus Q - How did the journalist feel afterwards? MATCHING EXERCISE handkerchief wrapped in covered in scalp the skin on top of your head blanket a cover made of wool that people put on beds to keep warm dripping falling in small drops aches and pains continuos bad feelings in your body

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