Mehti Mehti

Nature's remedies
Intermediate level


Abc Handouts
Abc handouts (b)
Abc Handouts (c)

Main Aims

  • Lexis. Students learn vocabulary related to ailments and remedies trough PW.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Speaking. Students use vocabulary to talk about their own experience and discuss questions related to ailment and remedies.


Warmer/Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Just before lesson starts, teacher puts up few pictures on a board that related to the topic (Nature's remedies). Teacher points out at the picture of a person who is having flue and elicits the phrase (have a flue) from students. Then points to the other two pictures and elicits names and relation of those pictures to the person/illness which is 'remedy'. Finally, teacher points to the picture of a nature and elicits and explains that those remedies come from nature i.e. they are 'nature's remedies'.

Exposure (10-11 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

Teacher gives handouts that have pictures of different ailments (nausea, travel sickness, to be bitten by an insect, to be stung by a bee. to feel itchy, to have a cold/flue/cold sores/sore throat/wart) and vocabulary related to it. In pairs students match them to the pictures. Then teacher elicits the answers and corrects any mistakes. Finally, teacher explains the meaning on the white board and drills the pronunciation.

Productive skills (7-8 minutes) • Letting student practise speaking

In pairs students tell their partner which of the previously mentioned ailment they have experienced (e.g. I sometimes suffer from travel sickness). Teacher monitors them to maintain the TL and help with difficulties they might experience while expressing themselves.

Words and pictures (10-11 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to review and learn vocabulary

Students work in pairs and match the pictures to the to the words (tea bag, ginger root, cloves of garlic, bicarbonate soda, sellotape, cayenne pepper, ice cubes, a bar of chocolate). In each pair students will read the correct answers for feedback. Then teacher gives separated sheets and asks students to guess and match above mentioned items to problems. Finally, teacher elicits answers and drills pronunciation.

Productive skills (9-10 minutes) • To practise speaking

In groups students discuss questions such as 'Do you think these remedies could work?' 'Which ones would you be prepared to try?' 'What other remedies have you tried for the ailments?' 'Did they work?'

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