Didem Beyazoglu Didem Beyazoglu

Teaching Practice 6
Starter, A1 level


In this lesson, students will study present simple (I, you, we, they) questions and short answers. They will study wh- questions but they will be given 'what' and 'where' questions. In the language focus part, they will complete a chart to notice the word order in simple present questions.


Abc Materials

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of word order in present simple questions in the context of free time activities

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of free time activities


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To get Ss interested in the topic

Ss will be given a survey which they will fill in according to their partner's answers. After they finish, they will find three things that they both say yes.

Highlighting (5-7 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Write four questions from the survey, two of which ss say 'yes' and 'no' on the board. Highlight the word order in the questions by check questions.

Clarification (5-7 minutes) • To provide clarification for the language focus

Change the subject 'you' with I, we, and they in the questions on the board. Draw their attention to the answers when the subjects are changed. Drill the questions with different subjects and their answers.

Practice (3-5 minutes) • To provide Ss with practice of the target language

Ss will be given a chart of yes/no questions and short answers. Ss complete the chart with 'do/don't' and the correct subject pronoun. They work in pairs. Get feedback.

Highlighting (3-5 minutes) • To

Write two columns on the board; where, what, what music, what sport in one column and jazz, London, read a book, tennis in the other column. Ss match the wh- words with their pairs.

Clarification (5-7 minutes) • To reinforce Ss' understanding of word order in present simple wh- questions

Draw a chart on the board. In the first column of the chart write the question words; where, what, what music, what sport. In the second column of the chart show the answers to the questions in full answers. Complete two of them to show the order in wh- questions on the board. Ss do the other two in pairs. Monitor and correct any errors.

Drilling (3-4 minutes) • To drill the pronunciation of 'do you'

Show four sentences on the board and poin to 'do you'. Ss listen to notice how it is pronounced. Write /dj/ on the board and drill.

Practice (3-5 minutes) • To

Ss complete the sentences with 'do' and the verbs given in the box in pairs. Whole class check.

Speaking Practice (8-10 minutes) • To

Divide the class into two groups, A and B. Each group works together to form the questions. Student As are matched with student Bs. First, they make a guess about their partner's answers. Then they ask the questions and check how many correct guesses they have.

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