Unal Gez Unal Gez

Grammar lesson
Intermediate level


In this lesson Ss will study " used to /would" in the context of " dream jobs". The lesson will start with teacher's telling about his childhood dream job, and then Ss will predict context from two pictures. In the next stage, there will be a jigsaw reading and the discussion of the questions related to it. Then, the lesson will continue with working on " used to/would" through guided discovery. The Ss will do a controlled activity (gap fill) to practice what is learned. Finally Ss will practise speaking through discussion of some questions which will allow them to use the target structure.


Main Aims

  • To provide practice of used to/would in the context of dream jobs, future plan

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist reading practice using a text about childhood dreams in the context of whether the children in the passage achieved their dreams


Stage 1 (3 minutes) • Lead-in

Teacher relates his own story regarding his childhood dream and tells Ss what he wish to be when hewas a child and now doesn't want to do it any more. T asks students to discuss in pairs about their childhood dreams and whether they have achieved them. Then, T nominates ss to tell about their partner's childhood dreams.

Stage 2 (2-3 minutes) • Prediction of context from pictures (2 minutes) To brainstorm about the context, and elicit the answers from the ss

T shows students two pictures related to the context and elicits the answers from them. Ss will try predict about what the children look like.

Stage 3 (8-10 minutes) • Jigsaw Reading

To get the Ss read one part of a small text each about childhood dreams and then answer two questions related to the stories in the text with their partners. T divides Ss into A &B and tells them that each student is going to read one part of the text and then A&Bs will work together answer the questions. T asks some ICQs to check the understanding.

Stage 4 (10-12 minutes) • Teaching " used to/would " through guided discovery

As Ss work together in pairs in the reading text activity, T asks them to scan the text quickly, find and underline " used to" and "would" in the text. T nominates one S from each group to share the answers. T, groups the Ss in 3s, shows them the handouts and gives the instructions; T tells them to work together to answer the questions in the first part. Before giving the HOs, T elicits " state " & " action" verbs and then gives the HOs to students. T monitors and takes in needed. After all, T projects the answer key. T tells SS to unfold their HO and tells them to work in their groups again & match the sentences in the first part ( a-e ) to the rules 1-3. T lets SS work for 3 minutes and monitors again. When they are finished, T projects the AK and if there are still some questions that they couldn't understand, T clarifies them. - T tells SS to unfold the last part of their HO, look at the sample sentences and complete the pattern with the missing words and nominates one S from each group to give the pattern of ( +), (-),and (?) sentences with used to. - T drills each sentence for accuracy

Stage 5 (10-11 minutes) • To provide students with a controlled activity to practise the structure they have learned.

T shows the Ss the first part of the new HO and does the first one herself as an example. T gives the instructions,they are going to work on their own and fill in the blanks and will check their answers in pairs and then T asks ICQs. Afterwards, T delivers the HOs to the SS, monitors when they are answering. When they have pair checked, T projects the AK and drills some of the sentences for accuracy and corrects the errors on the spot while drilling. T tells the students to unfold the second part of their HO, work on their own again to fill in the blanks with " used to/would" and the verbs in the brackets, and pair check at the end. Then, WC FB.

Stage 6 (10-11 minutes) • Speaking- To get the Ss to use the structure they have learned in a free speaking activity.

T makes pairs from different students, reminds them of his own sentence in the lead in : " As a child, I always wanted to be a singer, but now I don't want to be any more." and he asks them some questions to discuss with their partners. Then, he projects the questions on WB and gives students some time to practise the language in pairs. When the SS are practising, T monitors closely, takes note of good and bad examples of the grammar. When Ss finish, T nominates Ss to share their partner's answers with the class. At the end, teacher writes grammatically good and bad sentences she has heard from Ss while monitoring.

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