Ece Öztürk Ece Öztürk

TP6 Magic&Mistery Vocab Lesson
Upper-Intermediate level


Abc Global Upper Upper Intermediate SsBk Macmillan page 49 speaking B

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of vague language in the context of Magic&Mistery

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of vague language
  • To provide specific information listening practice using a text about vague language in the context of Magic&Mistery


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T writes "VAGUE LANGUAGE" in capital words and elicits meaning from the ss. When someone uses vague language can we understand clearly what he says? SS watch a comedy video about people using vague language. "Could you understand what they were referring to?"

Exposure (6-7 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading for vocabulary exercise

SS read the text. "Why do we use vague language here?" When we don't know the name of something or don't remember the name for that. SS do the vocabulary matching exercise in pairs.(2 min) "Please do the vocab exercise by deducing meaning from the text." A ss who did each of them correct will give FB to his peers. A nominated ss will come by the WB and do the matching exercise. If necessary the T will give FB.

Useful Language (5-6 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming semi-controlled speaking task

Ss will give FB about the words stress. Ss will do drilling about the pronunciation of the words. Ss will give FB about what other words they know which are used when the speaker cannot think of or does not know a word in their first language "what other words do you know which are used when the speaker cannot think of or does not know a word in their first language?" thingamajic, thingamabob, thingummy, whatstit

Semi-controlled Speaking task (4-5 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice speaking using the target language

T shows a punched pocket, staple remover, staple and room humidifier and put the ss in 4 groups and each group gets one of the items. "Please one by one ask each other permission for borrowing the item I gave you." Ss ask permission to each other for borrowing these items using the target language: Can I borrow your whatchamacallit/stuff/thing/, you know the thing you use to...

Semi-controlled Speaking task (5-6 minutes) • To provide more opportunity to practice speaking using the target language

Ss will work in AB pairs and each one gets their own handout. "Don't show your handout to your pair." A starts asking questions to B about the object he doesn't know the name to. B tries to guess which object he is trying to refer to and say the name to it. After A has finished asking, B will do the same about his unknown objects.

Controlled Listening Task (6-7 minutes) • To provide vocabulary model of production expected in coming tasks through listening for specific information

Ss first read the text Ss listen to the recording and insert the extra words they've heard. "Please listen to the recording and insert the extra words you've heard." The ss wil peer-check their answers. A volunteer student comes by the WB and fills in the gaps. Ss will do correcting, if necessary the recording will be played again. "What's the effect of this language?" Kind of: Providing time to think for the speaker for his next sentence/word (filler) a bit: for politeness, softening the expression and that sort of thing, all that stuff, and stuff: a short way to avoid giving details Next, Pronunciation will be drilled.

Semi-controlled Writing task (7-8 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice writing using knowledge of plot devices.

The ss work individually and either write about a film they know, or create their own scenario that includes one or more of the plot devices. Ss exchange papers in pairs and do correction.

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