Nashira Jahir Nashira Jahir

Animal Tales
Pre-Intermediate level


I this lesson students will be reading to better understand relative clauses, specifically those using "who, which, and that" in the context of animalsThe lesson will begin with a warm up where students will match sentence halves. One half is the subject and the other half will define the subject. This entire lesson will focus on reading and group work.


Abc WB stickers
Abc SB
Abc TB
Abc HO Text
Abc Animal photos

Main Aims

  • Reading stories and matching their descriptions.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Learning the relative clauses who, which, and that.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I will prepare a set of 7 sentences for the WB which will come from ex. 1 on page 101 of the SB. One half of the sentences will include a subject while the other half will include a definition. I will have also prepared the words 'who', 'which', and 'that' to place in between the sentence halves. Students will first work in pairs to discover the answers then may come to the WB to match the subjects to their definitions in a way that makes sense.

Pre-Reading/Listening (8-10 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

I would like to use part of this exercise to touch on some vocabulary in the reading. I will explain any of the relationship clauses first if there are questions from the warm up. Other vocabulary words will be explained as they come up throughout the lesson. I will use ex. 5 from page 101 of the SB. Students will be given 8 questions labeled a-h on the WB which are grammatically incorrect. They will have to scratch out the incorrect word and replace it with the correct relative pronoun. I will tack the printed sentences to the WB. Students may work together or independently for 3-4 minutes before coming to the WB to correct the grammar and match column A to the column B definition.

While-Reading/Listening #1 (8-10 minutes) • Having students read for gist.

I will put the 6 animal pictures on the WB. First I will ask students to tell me if they know the names of each of the animals. I will give them a HO which contains the text they will need to read. Students should match each of the correct texts with the correct animals. Volunteers can come to the WB and write which story, eg. story 1, on the WB next to the animal's picture.

While-Reading/Listening #2 (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed,p reding.

In groups of 3, each of the students will choose A, B, or C. They students will then read the letter from the text they've chosen. After reading the two stories, I will explain to the students that they will need to match one of the descriptions from ex. 1 to each of the stories. I will give the students several minutes to do this.

Post-Reading/Listening (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Students can use this time to share their stories with the other students in thief groups. They should explain which of the descriptions they have chosen for their stories and why they feel it best describes them. They should also explain which story they liked best and why. In order to get FB I will call on a few students depending on the time and ask them to share out loud.

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