Isabella Isabella

Shops and Shoppers
Intermediate, B1 level


In this lesson, the students are introduced to and practise ‘Shops’ vocabulary, namely, the names of containers and products. They do listening, personalise speaking about the items in the students’ shopping basket and at the last stage of the lesson they play vocabulary games to recycle the words they have learnt.


Abc Vocabulary
Abc Shopping basket image
Abc Listening
Abc Speaking
Abc Game Cards

Main Aims

  • • The students will get familiar and practise vocabulary for ‘Shops and Shoppers’

Subsidiary Aims

  • • To provide practice of listening for details and speaking fluency in the context of ‘Shops and Shoppers’


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To generate Ss’ interest in the topic

T asks Ss questions to elicit the topic of the lesson ‘Shops and Shoppers’.

Vocabulary Introduction: Containers (5-7 minutes) • To highlight the new vocabulary in the context of shopping.

T shows Ss the pictures of different containers and elicits their names. If they do not know the word, T gives it to them. T gets Ss to repeat chorally, then in groups, and then individually. T recaps previous words as she goes along. T elicits and marks the stress and any pronunciation difficulties and part of speech. T specifies how this vocabulary of containers can help count uncountable nouns, T presents Ss with a handout with the information recorded for them.

Controlled Practice (3-5 minutes) • To concept check and prepare Ss for more meaningful stage

Ss fill in the form with the words given in the box in the right column with the name of the container. Ss get FB from T Ss add two more items that go in each of the containers. The representatives of each group put their answers on the board.

Freer Speaking (6-8 minutes) • To be better able to use the target language. To make Ss aware of their mistakes

Ss look at the photo of the shopping basket and describe the family who did the shopping from the items they bought in the basket. Ss discuss the following questions: How many of the things in the shopping basket do you or your family buy regularly? Which five items are always in your shopping basket ? Ss compare their ideas with the ideas of other groups T monitors and collects errors. T puts Ss’ mistakes on the w/b and elicits corrections from them.

Listening for details (7-10 minutes) • To provide listening practice for details

Ss listen to a telephone conversation and complete the phrases with the name of the container. One of the students writes the answers on the board. Ss listen to the recording again paying attention to the pronunciation of ‘of’ which is pronounced in a weak manner. Ss listen to the complete shopping list and repeat practising pronunciation. T corrects if needed.

Vocabulary Games (8-10 minutes) • To recycle new vocabulary

Ss form two circles. Each circle of the students has a small ball. One of the students calls the name of a container and throws a ball at one of the Ss who catches it, repeats the name of the container and adds the name of the product. If they cannot, they pass the ball to the one next to him. Ss turn line up in two teams. Stress patterns are marked in columns on the board. One student turns over a card and reads it. The student at the front has to throw a ball at the right column depending on the stress pattern of the word (the other team members can help).

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