George Chigozie Michael George Chigozie Michael

Personal Qualities
Intermediate B2 level


In this lesson, the learners will read to develop reading and speaking fluency. They will read a text from the context of personal qualities.


Abc Cut outs
Abc Reading text
Abc (T) or (F )
Abc Reading text

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed reading practice using a text about "Have you got what it takes" in the context of Personal qualities

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide speaking practice and clarification on some vocabulary in the context of "personal qualities.


Lead-in (10-15 minutes) • To set context and raise the interest of the students.

1. Show pictures of different professionals like Teachers, coaches, business men and others. 2SS work in pairs to elicit the list of qualities these people need to do their jobs. 3.I will give more qualities if there aren't enough elicited by the students. 4.I will pre teach some of the vocabulary from the text 5.F/B to make sure students get what the lesson is about.

Reading Task (5-8 minutes) • Cross check if any any of qualities the learners wrote out are in the text.

1.I will give the instruction "read about the qualities people need to do their jobs. Which jobs do you think they are talking about. 2. I will hand out the reading texts to the students and the three heading that describe what jobs the texts are talking about. 3.students work solo for this and the work in pairs to cross check. If time permits students will do other exercises. 4.Elicit feedback to check correct answers and provide correction where need be.

Reading Task 3 (5-8 minutes) • To make sure learners understand the basics of the text before moving on to a more demanding task.

1. Hand out some words and phrases from the reading text to the students. 2. I will do a demo to make sure that the learners can match one of the words or phrases to what I have done. 3. If they don't get the answer I will give them a picture to further try to make the match. If they don't understand I will provide the answer. 4.hand out the definitions to of the words to the students and have them work in groups to match them. 5. F/B, I will check if the learners are clear about the meaning.

Reading Task 3. (5-8 minutes) • To give learners a reason to read..

1. I will elicit from the students who they think that " an entrepreneur" is and what the think a "bargain"or "switch off" and I will pre teach these words. 2.Elicit from the students who a millionaire is. 3.Group the learners into two groups each group to discuss what qualities the people in the three jobs in the texts have that millions must have. 4.elicit the answers to make sure the learners get them right. 5.I will give the instruction " read statement 1-6 about millionaires. Do you think they are true (T) or false (F)? 6.students work in pairs for this Students cross check their answers with other pairs. 7. I will hand over the reading text to students to cross check if their final answers are correct. F/B.

Speaking (3-5 minutes) • To help the learners to react to the two text in a personal and natural way.

I will pair the students so that in pairs they can discuss which of these qualities they think they posses themselves. Cross check to make sure that they both heard each other. Thank the students for participating in the lesson and sign the register for the day.

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