Meltem Meltem

Definite and indefinite articles U9A
Intermediate B1 level


In this lesson ,Ss'll learn articles and determiners (a/an/the/some/any). T'll expose the TL with PPP method. T makes the link from the previous lesson to hers through asking questions about the Ss' nation's shopping basket ,whether or not a nation's basket only contains food. T'll elicit from the Ss different categories of goods such as electronic and household goods.Then taking a DVD out of her bag,forms two TL sentences about it to activate their interest to the topic.She introduces the TL in context and then clarifies MFP of TL through SC practices. Ss had controlled practice with Gap-fill exercises at the practice stage which'll lead to do a freer speaking activity at the production stage.


Abc Enlarged copy of the
Abc The HOs of U9A on pg 225
Abc The HOs of U9A pg.87
Abc CD OF U9A 2.9
Abc HO of" fill in the gap" ex .Worksheets by Nicole jayne (google)
Abc pictures from google

Main Aims

  • To clarify and practice articles and determiners

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide speaking for accuracy and fluency in TL


Warmer/Lead-in (2-4 minutes) • Set lesson context and engage students

T will ask the Ss if their nation's basket has any thing in common with the basket of Britain. T elicit the ideas about what a nation's basket contains other than food. She asks whether or not it contains any electronic goods,dvd players or dvds. then she introduces the TL by setting a situation. She takes a dvd out of her bag. She forms two sentences ,stressing the TL., "a" and "the". I bought a dvd yesterday. The dvd is about the life of a famous composer.

Presentation (4-6 minutes) • To introduce the TL in context

T asks Ss whether or not they hear about definite ,indefinite articles and determiners before. In order to find what they already knew about she writes a fill in the gap sentence on the WB and asks Ss to fill the gaps with the appropriate articles. I saw ___ robot at the exhibition. ___ robot was really amazing.I had ___ meal there.I din't drink____ soup. I had___wine with my meal.___wine was so sweet. Have you got_____money? She ate_______cookies in the morning. Then t gives them the HOs of ex.1 and asks Ss to underline all the articles and determiners in the text. She elicits them from the Ss. Then they are assigned to circle the right ones and check the answers with their partners.

Clarification (10-12 minutes) • To Clarify the MFP of the target language

T exposes the TL. She draws a simple chart on the WB and she writes sample sentences under the headings of a/an-the-some-any while she's telling when and where to use them. She met a boy yesterday. The boy was wearing a black suit. CCQs Does she see the boy for the first time ? Did she meet the boy before? The baby want a toy CCQ Does the baby wants a specific toy? The nation's shopping basket CCQ Are there any other nations in text? T uses drillng to practice the pronunciation of articles. T ask Ss to correct the mistakes in ex.2 Ss listen to the Cd and check their answers

Controlled practice (5-7 minutes) • To practice target language

T gives SS the HOs of "Fill in the the Gap" exercise ,ask them to fill them out individually then check them in pairs. Then T shares the paragraphs to each group and had FB after THE Ss have finished. ICQs Are you going to do in pairs? Are you going to check it with your partner?

Less controlled practice (7-9 minutes) • To provide the students to make a more meaningful practice of the target language

T gives out the HOs on pg.225. She makes a demo with an enlarged copy of it on the board.Then asks Ss to do the other two examples with their partners.Then one student from each group reads the sentences.

Freer practice (10-12 minutes) • To provide the students to produce a story with the TL

T draws a big circle on the board and sticks some pictures around it. She sticks pictures around it.She tells the Ss that if something is outside the picture and we start talking about it we use 'a'. Once something is in the picture we use 'the' when we talk about it. She wants the to create a story using the pictures.She starts telling the story, last night I was at the cinema. I watched a film.(She sticks the movie pic. into the circle)The film was about a love story.Then stops and asks Ss to continue. After they all have finished ,one group tells their story.

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