Angela Angela

Special Days Lesson
Elementary A1/A2 level


In this lesson, students will practice listening for gist and specific information and do speaking for accuracy practice through talking about dates. The lesson starts with students thinking of four ways to finish the sentence “On a perfect day I…” This is followed by discussion about special days with further listening for gist practice. Later, students are introduced to the names of the months and ordinal numbers, which is followed by listening for specific information. Finally, there is semi-controlled practice where students speak about four days that are important for them.


Abc Match the cards worksheet
Abc Special days cards
Abc 2 tennis balls
Abc Photocopy - Unit 3C
Abc Phrases to special days cards
Abc Special days PPT

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and specific information listening in the context of dates

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of vocabulary of months and dates in the context of special days


Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To get lesson context and engage students

• Open Slide 1 • Elicit from Ss the word 'perfect': T: On I perfect day I get up late and have a big breakfast. On a perfect day I don't go to work. I play tennis and read a book. Is ' a perfect day' a good day or a bad day? S: Good T: Is it a very good day? S: Very good. T: Right. • Write on WB a (+) and a (-) example of what you do on a perfect day. • Get Ss to think of 4 ways to finish the sentence 'On a perfect day I..." • Ss compare their perfect days in pairs. • As Ss to share their ideas with the class.

Pre-Listening # 1 (4-5 minutes) • To prepare students for the listening stage

• Open Slide 2 with the cards • Elicit from Ss the word 'card'. T: It's my birthday today. I've got a card from my daughter. • Show the card. Point at the board and ask: T: Are these cards too? S: Yes T: Do people get cards on special days? S: Yes • Get Ss to do ex.1 p.26 on their own. • Ss check it in pairs. • Check the answers with the whole class. • Elicit from Ss the word birthday, wedding, wedding anniversary, New Year's Eve. T: I'm 46 today. Today is my ....(get Ss to finish the sentence) S: Birthday • Drill the word. • Write it on WB, mark the stress, part of speech (the same with the rest words) T: Oh, I've got another card. "Dear Angela, please come to our New Year's Eve party. We'll be happy to see you. Alice and John". Hmm New Year's Eve party? In February? Very strange! Oh, it's an old card! Is New Year's Eve before the New Year or after? S: Before T: (pointing at the card on the slide) when do people get such card? Do they get it when they have a baby? S: Yes T: Is a wedding when people get married? (show at the card on the slide) S: Yes T: My grandfather and grandmother are very old. They married 50 years ago (elicit the past tense by pointing back with your thumb). On Friday it's their wedding anniversary. I've been together for 50 years. They'll have a big party.

While-Listening # 1 (3-4 minutes) • To provide Ss with gist listening task.

• Divide Ss into groups and give each one a set of 5 words with special days. • Get Ss to listen to 5 conversations and decide which special day is each conversation about (R 3.7) • Stop the recording after each conversation. Ss raise the matching cards.

Pre-Listening # 2 (3-4 minutes) • To prepare students for the listening activity

• Drill the phrases for special days. • Give four strips with phrases to four Ss. • Get them to stick the strips next to the matching special days on WB.

While-Listening # 2 (2-3 minutes) • To provide Ss with another listening for gist task

• Get Ss to listen to recording 3.9 and answer with the correct phrase as a whole class. • Stop after each conversation.

Introduction and practice of Target Vocabulary # 1 (7-8 minutes) • To provide students with target vocabulary (months)

• Elicit from Ss what month it is: T: Which month is it now? Is it January or February? S: February T: How many months are there? (Elicit ‘how many’ with fingers if need be) • Play a game to check how Ss know the months: • Take a ball in a hand • Get Ss to stand in a big circle (Elicit ‘circle’ with hands). • Give the ball to a S and elicit that you want him/her to throw the ball to you. • Catch the ball and say: January • Throw the ball to a S. • He/She catches the ball and says ‘February’(if need be, elicit with fingers ‘2nd’) • After going through the months, backwards from December to January. • Take out the 2nd ball get Ss to divide in 2 groups: A-B-A-B-A-B… • Get As to raise hands. • Get them to lower hands. • Get Bs to raise hands. • Elicit with hands that the groups separate: T: As here. Bs here. T: Make a circle (elicit ‘circle’ with hands) • Both groups go from the 1st month to the last and then back. • Get Ss to go back to their seats. • Drill the names of the months. • Write on WB the months which learners often mispronounce: February, June, July, August. • Mark the stress and transcribe. • Elicit from Ss if months begin with capital letters. • Elicit common abbreviations: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec.

Introduction and drilling of Target Vocabulary # 2 (5-6 minutes) • To provide Ss with Target Vocabulary (dates)

• Elicit from Ss the difference between day and date: T: What day is it today? Is it Monday or Tuesday? S: Tuesday T: What’s the date today? Is it the 24th of February? S: Yes • Project Slide 3 with the examples of days and dates. • Drill ordinals (elicit with fingers 1…2…) • Get Ss to do ex.5 p.26 individually • Get them to it in pairs

Listening for specific information (5-6 minutes) • To provide Ss with an opportunity to practice listening for specific information

• Get Ss to listen to recording 3.12 and fill in the gaps. • Check the answers with the whole class. • Elicit that we use ‘on’ with dates: T: Do we say ON the 20th of May or AT the 20th of May? S: ON the 20th of May • Elicit how we pronounce ‘the’ and ‘of’ • Listen to R 3.12 again • Get Ss to do ex. 7 p.27 (R 3.13)

Semi-controlled practice (4-5 minutes) • To provide Ss with an opportunity to practice Target Vocabulary

• Open Slide 6 with some important dates for you • Get Ss to ask you why those days are important for you. • Get Ss to write down some important dates for them. • In pairs, Ss ask and answer about their important dates

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