Abolfazl Abolfazl

pre_inter level


Abc practice questions and Text and picture

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of will(prediction) in the context of Exam (optimist and pessimist)

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist reading practice using a text about Why negative thinking can be positive? in the context of Exam (optimist and pessimist)


Lead-in (1-3 minutes) • To generate interest and build the context for the lesson.

T write the word (exam) on the board and asked (when was your last exam? What did you think to yourself before the exam day?) T give time to Ss think about it. T monitor Ss. T asks for WCR. T give FB.

Pre-teach vocabulary (optional). (1-3 minutes) • To help SS with potential vocabulary problems.

T stick picture to the board and write two words (optimist and pessimist) ask Ss (what do you think of relation between pictures and words?) (Are they opposite of each other? Are they the definition of each other? or maybe they don't have any connection?) T give time to Ss to think about it. T asks for WCR. T explain the connection base on the S who answer the Qs right if not T help them to reach the answer by CCQ. T work on drilling part. T give FB.

Gist reading\listening (3-4 minutes) • To develop reading\listening for global understanding and to provide context for the TL

T give the text to Ss and ask them to read it for 2min and they say what are they understand from the reading (what are you going to do? how much time do you have? what was the Qs you must answer after reading the text?) T monitor Ss. T ask for WCR.

Noticing example from the text (highlighting) (1-3 minutes) • To give the Ss an opportunity to notice the language in context.

T ask Ss to look at the girl picture (Do you think she is ready for tomorrow exam? Why do you think she have stress? Is she having stress because she is ready or because she isn't ready for exam? According to the fact that she isn't ready, what is she doing inside her mind? Does she trying to predict the future problem? How does she predict future problem? Does she predict the problem by fact or just with her feeling?)

language focus (MFP clarification) (1-3 minutes) • To clarify the MEANING/FORM/PRONUNCIATION of the target language.

T write a sentence of the girl picture on the board and ask Ss (what the sentence means? does it mean that her thought happened before or will happen in future? let think about what does she try to do? IS she try to see future or predict it?) T explain the form to Ss. T do the drilling.

Controlled practice (1-3 minutes) • To provide Ss with restricted practice of the target language

T give the Ss Qs and ask them to read them and answer them in 2min. T monitor Ss for error. T ask for WCR. T give FB.

ERROR CORECTION (1-3 minutes) • To give delayed feedback on target language.

T write the error on the board and give them time to correct them. T ask for WCR. T give FB. (meaning and form if needed?) T do the drilling part if it is needed?

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