sevda sevda

Livig in Different Countries
Beginner grade, level A1 level


In this lesson the ss will review countries and nationalities first. Then they will pracrise listening for gist and for specific information. They will check the answers against the text projected on the wall. After doing that, the students will have a controlled and freer practice of collocations drawn from the text.


Abc Countries & Nationalities Strips
Abc Matching Handout

Main Aims

  • To provide review of everyday collocations in the context of life in different countries

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist and scan reading practice using a text about life in different countries


Warmer (5-7 minutes) • to review countries/nationalities vocabulary.

T draws two mind maps on the board, writes words 'Countries" and "Nationalities" in the centeral circles. Then T divides ss into two groups and assings each mind map for one team.T encourages ss to come and complete the mind maps on the board. T draws a table on the board and elicits what kinds of words will go after "I live in..." and I'm....".T gives each group a set of strips with country nqames and nationalities and encourages ss to come and stick them on the board in the appropriare column.

Listening for Gist (2-3 minutes) • to provide listening for general information

T projects Ricardo's photo and ask there they think he is from. They come up with ideas, then T plays the recording to find that out.

Listening for Specific Information (5-6 minutes) • to provide listening for specific information

T gives ss HO with some questions. In pair ss try to answer them. Then T plays the recording and ss answer the question, ss check in pairs and T asks one of the ss to come and write the answers on the board. T draws ss attention to the second exercise and tells them they need to circle correct answers. Asks ICQs to check understanding. T plays the recording third time and ss do the exercise.

Feedback (2-4 minutes) • to check answers and provide ss with further clarification

Ss compare answers in pairs then agaist the projected text.

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