Zeynep Ozka Alemdar Zeynep Ozka Alemdar

Teaching Practice 3
Beginner level


In this lesson, students will practice receptive (listening) and productive (speaking) skills. They will learn how to say the currency words in prices with Dollar, Euro, Sterling (pound), pence and cent and how to ask the price of a food or a drink in a café.


Abc Vocabulary Review Handout
Abc Face2face Starter SB, Cambridge University Press
Abc Face2face, Starter Teacher's Book, Cambridge University Press
Abc Audio CD Face2face Beginner

Main Aims

  • To provide specific information listening practice using a text about saying currencies and asking the price of a food or a drink in the context of using a café menu.
  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a role play in the context of using a café menu

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of Dollar, Sterling (pound), Euro, coffee, espresso, cappucino, tea, croissant in the context of using a café menu


Warmer - Lead in (3-5 minutes) • To introduce the students to different currencies, namely Dollar, Euro and Sterling, cent and pence (p)

Teacher will introduce the students to different currencies and their symbols. She will elicit the words 'money' and 'price' and drill these words with class. She will point out that currency words are omitted if the context clear.

Focus on Meaning (Matching) (5-10 minutes) • Students will be able to match the prices to clarify the meaning of the TL.

Students will do a matching exercise about prices and their utterance. First they will do it alone, then compare answers in pairs. The teacher will check the answers with the class and she also checks if Ss understand that we often omit the currency words (pounds, euros e.g). Students will listen to the recording and they'll repeat afterwards.

Pronunciation Drill (3-5 minutes) • To familiarize the students with the correct pronunciation of the prices.

Students will work in pairs and say the prices. They'll listen to the recording and practise saying them. The teacher will check that the students pronounce p /'pi:/, euros /'jʊərəʊz/, cents /sents/ correctly. The teacher will repeat the drill chorally and individually if necessary.

Focus on Meaning (3-5 minutes) • The student will do a scan listening.

The teacher will tell the students that they are going to listen to five conversations which they'll listen and write the prices. T will play the recording again if necessary. Students can check with their partners. The teacher provides an answer key for the exercise.

Focus on Form (3-5 minutes) • Students will complete the grammar box with is/are, which will clarify how to use how much with singulars and plurals.

Students do the exercise individually and then compare their answers with a partner. The teacher will check the answers with the class. They listen to the recording and practise the questions.

Vocabulary and Pronunciation Drill (3-5 minutes) • Students will learn and revise some vocabulary items from a café menu.

Students will work in pairs and match the food and drink on the price list to photos 1-10. T will check with the class. T will play the recording R3.14. Students will listen and practisethe food and drink on the price list. T will highlight the pronunciation of Italian words cappuccino and espresso and the French word croissant, as well as the other vocabulary items, if necessary.

Focus on Meaning (3-5 minutes) • Students will revise the food and drink vocabulary.

Students will work in pairs, they will look at the photos 1-10 and they will test each other asking questions about the picture, e.g. "what's number 1?" "A cheese and a tomato sandwich".

Focus on Fluency (3-5 minutes) • Students will ask each other about the price of a food or a drink.

Students will look at the menu again and they will ask each other about the price of a food or a drink in groups of three. Teacher will monitor but she won't correct the mistakes immediately, instead she might write them on the board.

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