Joel Enrique Ruelas Leal Joel Enrique Ruelas Leal

Choose people to start a space colony
A2 level


Abc Canva link
Abc Listening for gist
Abc Google Slides
Abc Controlled practice
Abc Transcription Listening for details

Main Aims

  • To practice and revise functional language used to choose suitable candidates for a space colony, enabling students to explain why someone is or isn't suitable for a particular role.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To enhance students' ability to discuss and justify their opinions about the suitability of different candidates for a space colony.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

- T greets the students and asks them how are they. - T shares the screen on CANVA SLIDES to present the topic of today. It is a picture of a space colony. - T asks students the following questions: - Do you think it would be fun or challenging to live in a space colony? - Why?

Exposure (6-7 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

- T starts screensharing Google Forms (Listening for gist) - T delivers instructions: "Very good, now, we are going to listen to a conversation between two people discussing who shoulg go to a space colony. You are going to listen and answer the questions. When you are finished, please DON'T submit your answers because we are going to check them before." - Teacher plays audio. - Students answer. - If students didn't get the answer, the link for the transcription will be sent through the Zoom chat. THE CORRECT ANSWERS ARE: 1.- Dr. Smith, because he has a lot of experience in medicine. 2.- Mark has a heart condition, and if something happened, maybe he wouldn’t be able to handle it. 3.- Emma would be suitable because she has a lot of experience in growing plants.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

FOR THE MEANING SECTION: - T starts screensharing the CANVA SLIDES. - T nominates students to choose between the two options for the definition of sentences. - Students answer FOR THE FORM SECTION: - T continues screensharing the CANVA SLIDES. - T tells students "Now, we are going to check the form of the phrases. We have "He/She would be suitable because...", the form is "SUBJECT + ..." - T nominates students to help him complete the form for each phrase. - THE CORRECT FORM FOR THE 5 PHRASES ARE: 1.- Subject (He/She) + Modal verb (would be) + Adjective (suitable) + Conjunction (because) + Reason. 2.- Subject (He/She) + Verb (has) + Quantifier (a lot of) + Noun (experience) + Preposition (in) + Noun. 3.- Subject (We) + Verb (need) + Noun (someone) + who + Modal verb (can) + Base form verb. 4.- Subject (He/She) + Modal verb (could) + Base form verb. 5.- There + Modal verb (might be) + Noun (problems) + with + Noun. FOR THE PRONUNCIATION SECTION: - T starts screensharing Google Slides. - T tells students "Now, you are going to look for the slide that has your name. You are going to listen to an audio individually by clicking the big button and you are going to move the little dots to the word that is stressed. This is individual and you have 4 minutes to complete this activity. - T asks ICQs: - How much time do you have? 4 minutes or 6 minutes? (4 minutes) - Are you going to move dots to the stressed part or are you going to write something? (Move dots) - Is it individual or in teams? (Individual) - After time is up, T checks answers with students and gives OCFB.

Controlled Practice (6-7 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

- T starts screensharing Google Forms (Controlled Practice). - T delivers instructions: "Alright, now, you are going to choose the correct answer to this questions, this will be individual and you will have 4 minutes to complete this activity. When you finish, please DON'T submit your answers to check them with a partner." - T asks ICQs: - How much time do you have? 4 minutes or 5 minutes? (4 MINUTES) - Is it in pairs or individually? (INDIVIDUALLY) - Are you going to choose or write the answers? (CHOOSE) - Students start the activity. - When they finish, T sends students to BORs - Students compare answers with a partner. - T gives OCFB THE CORRECT ANSWERS ARE: 1.- She has a lot of experience in 2.- She is too young to 3.- We need someone who can 4.- He could 5.- There might be problems with 6.- He would be suitable because

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

- T delivers instructions: "Alright, everyone, now we are going to discuss with a partner the following question: "Choose 3 people that you would take to a space colony, and why?" You have 7 minutes to discuss. - T sends them to BORs. - T monitors the students' speaking. - When they finish, T provides DEC. IF THERE'S ENOUGH TIME, T GIVES THEM THE FOLLOWING PROMPT: "Imagine you are one of the volunteers to go to the space colony. Explain why you should be chosen to go."

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